
3 Plants To Sleep Well

Fortunately, nature offers us precious allies to find peaceful and restorative nights. In this article, we reveal the 3 plants to sleep well. The secrets of Valerian, Eschscholtzia and Passionflower, a trio of hypnotic plants that promise to transform your restless nights into deep, restorative sleep.

3 plants to sleep well

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of our well-being.
However, many of us struggle with insomnia and sleep problems. Difficulty falling asleep, waking up at night, poor quality sleep, etc.

The sound of the alarm clock is often synonymous with torture. Because despite a night that seems endless, we wake up exhausted, as if we had never really slept.

Valerian: the Queen of herbs for falling asleep

Valerian, [Valeriana officinalis], is traditionally used for its soothing benefits, particularly effective against insomnia and anxiety. It acts both on humans, but also on our best 4-legged friends.

Valerian or catnip

Known under the nickname โ€œcatnipโ€, Valerian exerts an irresistible attraction on these felines . This fascinating phenomenon gave Valerian its popular nickname and demonstrates its notable impact on the behavior of our cats.

On the human side, valerian is above all THE plant to promote relaxation and facilitate falling asleep.

Thanks to the valerenic acid it contains, valerian interacts with the same receptors as benzodiazepines. Such as GABA-A receptors, used in particular in anxiolytic treatments.

These receptors influence GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a key neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. They plays a vital role in reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. By acting on these receptors, valerian not only increases the release of GABA but also reduces its reuptake, thus intensifying its calming effects. In this way, it helps calm the nervous system and promote sleep.

In addition to its effects on the nervous system, Valerian also acts as a muscle relaxant, helping to relax the body to give it the best chance of getting a good night’s sleep.

How to use it ?

Valerian is also known for its strong, unique smell that reminds us of dirty feet or used socks (mhh appetizing).

This fragrance, although not very pleasant, is linked to the essential oils of the plant which contribute to its sedative effects. Due to its strong smell and taste, many prefer to consume Valerian in capsules or hydroalcoholic extract rather than in infusion, to make it easier to take while benefiting from its relaxing properties.

To promote restful sleep, it is generally recommended to consume Valerian approximately 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime.

Dosage can vary, but a common dose is 400 to 600 mg of standardized extract. It is important to respect the dosage and dosages indicated by the manufacturers, in order to ensure safe and effective use of the products.

Eschscholtzia: The Californian Poppy for Deep Sleep

Eschscholtzia [Eschscholzia californica], more commonly known as California poppy, is renowned for its sedative and anxiolytic properties. This plant is part of the Papaveraceae family, to which poppies also belong.

Alkaloids and other bioactive compounds found in eschscholtzia may interact with neurotransmitters in the brain, including those that regulate stress and anxiety, facilitating deeper, more restful sleep.

Pssst: no, thatโ€™s not a typo! The name Eschscholzia is in fact spelled with double โ€œsโ€, โ€œcโ€ and โ€œhโ€.

This unusual spelling reflects the origin of the plant’s name, which was named in honor of German botanist and physician Johann Friedrich Von Eschscholtz.

California poppy and opium poppy

Despite its evocative nickname โ€œCalifornia poppyโ€, Eschscholtzia is not directly linked to the opium poppy [Papaver somniferum] whose alkaloids have been widely exploited by medicine. It would rather be its distant cousin.

Indeed, it does not have the same narcotic compounds as the latter, but it is still known for its calming effects. Used to improve sleep and reduce anxiety, this golden poppy offers a natural, safe and much less problematic solution than its opiate cousin.

How to use it ?

Eschscholtizia is available in various forms: herbal teas, capsules (plant powder), hydroalcoholic extractโ€ฆ Several ways to use it, but always with the same effectiveness!

For sleep problems, it is recommended to take Eschscholtzia approximately 30 to 45 minutes before bedtime at a rate of 400 to 600 mg of dried plant extract.

Passionflower: The Soothing Plant for Restorative Sleep

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) now recognizes Passionflower [Passiflora incarnata] for its traditional use intended to relieve mild symptoms of mental stress and promote sleep. Famous not only for its calming effects, it is also known for its rich history of medicinal traditions.


Today, Passionflower is appreciated for its relaxing properties, helping to reduce anxiety and induce deeper, restorative sleep.

These effects are attributed to its rich concentrations of flavonoids and alkaloids, which act as natural modulators of brain activity.

How to use it ?

As with eschscholtzia, Passionflower is available in different forms and can therefore be consumed as a herbal tea, capsule, tincture or extract.

If you want to consume it in the form of herbal tea, nothing could be simpler:

  • Put 1 tablespoon of dried passionflower in a cup of hot water (250 ml).
  • Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, filter and enjoy!

Can we combine these 3 hypnotic plants?

Thatโ€™s a big YES! Mixed, they will even be formidable in their effectiveness.

And yes, plants potentiate each other: the more you combine them, the more you can be sure of their effectiveness.

Moreover, research tells us that the combination of valerian + eschscholtiza can significantly reduce anxiety and insomnia in those affected.

Passionflower adds its own calming effects to this combination, and together these plants offer an effective natural solution for improving sleep quality and reducing stress.

Usage precaution

It is essential to respect the dosage recommendations of our three wonderful plants and to consult a health professional before using them. This allows you to avoid interactions with other medications (sleeping pills, anxiolytics, etc.) and to find out about possible side effects.

You now know nature’s well-kept secret to giving us a good night’s sleep. So, put on your pajamas, itโ€™s time to join the arms of Morpheus!

Finally, listen to your body, watch your bad habits, take care of your meals, exercise, slow down the use of screens and above all, and donโ€™t dare to seek the advice of a professional if you are not feeling well!

For more mindfulness tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed these 3 plants to sleep well and found them useful. And you, what is your favorite plant for a complete and restorative night? Tell us everything in the comments, weโ€™re waiting for your tips!

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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