The Benefits Of Feng Shui For A Balanced Life
In this post, I want to share with you the benefits of Feng Shui for a balanced life.
As far as mental well-being is concerned, there are different means at our disposal. They are somewhat effective depending on the person, to promote a good balance of the mind and be Zen.
The direct environment will also play a key role in this balance. As well as a certain way of life which offers to avoid as much as possible parasitizing our psychological well-being. It is about doing everything to live zen.
The benefits of Feng Shui:
There is a lot to learn from other cultures and how they approach personal well-being. Feng Shui is a very good example, of this ancestral Taoist method of Chinese origin. It aims to harmonize the energy of a place. The main focus here is to promote the physical, moral, and intellectual plenitude of its inhabitants.
To do this, it is a question of acting judiciously on the layout of our living environment, arranging the habitat according to the 5 elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood) and balance between the 2 opposite forces which are the Ying and the Yang, to obtain a balance of forces and the circulation of energy.
In practice regarding the layout of your home, each room must adopt certain rules in order to respect the circulation of energy and the balance favorable to the activity of the room.
For example, we will remember that the bed in the bedroom should not be directly opposite the door; that there should be no electrical installation or computer in the bedroom, or that the television should be next to it.
Let me know down below what you know about Feng Shui and share with us your own experience.
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!
Chère Rae,
Avant toute chose, je te remercie pour ton blog et tous les conseils. C’est agréable de lire paisiblement sans jugement, sans se sentir inférieur mais toujours dans une optique d’apaisement, en harmonie avec son esprit et son environnement.
Longue vie, paix et tendresse.
Cher Abdsamad,
Je vous remercie pour votre commentaire et vos jolis mots. Je suis contente que vous ayez aimé mon blog? Je ferai de mon mieux pour continuer et publier regulierement.
Je vous salue, et je vous envoie de l’énergie positive.