
Hemp Seed Benefits

Hemp is a plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years. You will certainly suspect – such longevity does not come out of nowhere. And that’s true! Hemp seeds turn out to be a true ally for the immune system. Too often confused with cannabis, which has psychotropic effects, hemp seed is in reality very useful for fighting cholesterol or even regulating weight. What is it? And what are the hemp seed benefits as well as its contraindications? Here we go, let’s learn more about this little seed with BIG benefits.

Are you, too, a seed lover of all kinds? There is no doubt that you will quickly make hemp a must-have for multiple occasions.

What is hemp seed?

History and origin of the hemp seed

The hemp seed comes from the hemp plant also called hemp or Cannabis sativa, for Latinists LV2. Some may be disappointed, but hemp, despite its palmate leaves and its belonging to the cannabinaceae family, has no psychotropic effect. The seeds from this variety of hemp are considered oilseeds.

Hemp is one of the first plants cultivated and used by humans during the Neolithic era. It seems that hemp originated in Central Asia and that its existence dates back to almost 3000 BC.

Growing hemp seeds, good for the planet

Hemp is a bit like the miracle plant of Zero Waste. Itโ€™s simple, you can use EVERYTHING in hemp. Not only can we eat its seeds, but we can also use its very resistant fibers. This is why hemp is also used in the textile industry, to make ropes or sails in the maritime and construction industry, but also in the cosmetics sector. It is also possible to create plastic or leaves from hemp.

What nutritional values for hemp seeds?

Hemp seeds are considered superfoods due to their high nutrient content. Thanks to their high concentration of proteins, they are also much appreciated by the vegetarians and vegans among us who wish to consume foods as a substitute for the consumption of meat and fish.

hemp seeds benefits

-cholesterol levels and cardiovascular diseases

Hemp seed is recognized for its benefits on high blood pressure, in particular thanks to the presence of gamma linolenic acid, omega 3 and 6 and nitrogen oxide. For those who are not SVT teachers, the latter is responsible for relaxing blood vessels which, once dilated, reduce blood pressure. It is then a balanced ratio between omega 3 and omega 6 which helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

As mentioned above – hemp has a high lipid content, which makes it a quality oilseed for good cardiovascular health. Hemp seeds minimize the risk of developing blood clots and inflammation that causes heart disease.

-immune system

The immune system is the body’s guardian. It is the one that ensures protection against bacteria and viruses (nothing like a good immune system these days). By having a good immune system, you will be better able to face serious pathologies. It is once again thanks to its omega 6 and omega 3 content that the consumption of hemp seeds helps strengthen the immune system. If you want to do cures or detox between the changing seasons, you can gradually introduce hemp seeds into your diet. They will help you prepare for winter, for example.

-satiety and weight loss

The protein content of hemp seed makes it an ally in relieving the feeling of hunger. By consuming enough protein during meals, the feeling of satiety is more easily noticeable. Hemp seeds therefore act as real natural appetite suppressants. If you are looking to balance your diet or lose weight, these oilseeds will be your allies.


A sometimes embarrassing subject and yet oh so central to our daily lives. Hemp seeds provide, with their high content of insoluble (80%) and soluble (20%) fibers, two types of fiber that are important for ensuring good intestinal transit. In case of repeated diarrhea or constipation, consuming hemp seeds will allow you to regulate your transit. If you have intestinal problems, you should therefore gradually integrate hemp seed into your meals, starting with one teaspoon per day.

This seed is essential for maintaining the body’s natural defenses and intestinal flora, as well as nourishing the probiotics present in the digestive system.

cellular aging

To prevent cellular aging, particularly of the nervous system, consuming foods rich in vitamin E is important. These vitamins have real antioxidant powers allowing them to fight against oxidative stress. The latter develops when free radicals, responsible for anticipated cellular aging, multiply.

What are the side effects of hemp seed?

You will have understood, hemp seed is our ally for feeling good in our bodies and our heads. But be careful, the same precaution applies to it as for all other foods: it should be consumed with MODE-RA-TION. Indeed, it can cause side effects if you ingest too large quantities. For example, its high concentration of fiber can cause various digestive disorders.

It is also recommended to be careful if you have food allergies such as dried fruit and tree nut allergies.

Before consuming or adding any “super food” to your diet or taking food supplements, do not hesitate to ask you doctor or a professional for advice.

For more health content and tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed this list of hemp seed benefits and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of this seed. Have you ever tried it? if yes please share with us your experience.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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