Four Relaxation Methods To Discover And Test

To let go on a daily basis and soothe the body and mind, many relaxation techniques are available. Mindfulness, meditation, yoga or even sophrology, all these methods can really help you increase your level of well-being. Let’s learn together, four relaxation methods to discover and test now!
Why do relaxation?
Practiced regularly, relaxation allows you to recharge your batteries and gradually regain a feeling of well-being and serenity. In our society where we must move ever faster, taking the time to relax can help us reduce the stress we feel, caught in the whirlwind of our professional, family and personal responsibilities. A real tool for our well-being, relaxation offers many benefits: reduction of stress, but also better management of our emotions, better quality sleep and release of muscular tension.
Very trendy for several years now, relaxation techniques are multiplying to adapt to all needs and preferences!
To learn how to relax and choose the most suitable relaxation methods, it is first necessary to understand where the tensions our body experiences come from. We thus distinguish between joint tensions, tensions of striated muscles, tensions of smooth muscles like our heart or tensions present in our digestive system. Relaxation allows you to listen to your body (through meditation for example) and to identify as you practice where tensions come from.
Four relaxation methods to discover and test now!
–“Moon breathing”, a new technique to sleep better
Popularized by Sarah Harvey, author of the book “Kaizen: the Japanese method for transforming habits”, moon breathing is inspired by the practice of yoga and aims to help you fall asleep more quickly.
In practice: Once in your bed ready to welcome Morpheus, close your eyes then close your right nostril while continuing to inhale deeply with your left nostril. Then unblock your right nostril, then close your left nostril while exhaling through your right nostril. After several inversions, you will begin to feel a feeling of relaxation, thus helping you fall asleep. Note that this method can also be used during the day, in cases of stress or before an important interview for example!
–ASMR, a relaxation technique to try!
You certainly couldn’t escape it: ASMR is certainly the most trendy relaxation technique in recent years!
Mainly popularized via YouTube, ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) was initiated by Jennifer Allen in the United States around ten years ago. As with hypnosis, ASMR is based on the principle of suggestion, which explains why some people are not sensitive to it and do not perceive its benefits. However, some studies have looked into the subject and demonstrated that ASMR could slow down the heart rate and facilitate the secretion of endorphins and serotonin, while activating certain specific areas of the brain.
–Cardiac coherence, to better manage stress and anxiety
Based on a very simple breathing technique, cardiac coherence is an innovative relaxation technique that is very easy to perform. It consists of doing 6 breaths per minute for 5 minutes, 3 times a day (morning, noon and evening). In addition to the practice of meditation, cardiac coherence is an effective tool that gradually reduces stress and anxiety by stabilizing the heart rate. This relaxation method is carried out in a sitting or standing position, preferably with your back straight.
To help you pace your breathing, many Youtube videos and applications are available, on Android and Apple.
–Creative visualization
Used in many personal development practices, creative visualization is, as we have seen, part of sophrology, but also of meditation (guided in particular) to help the brain relax. This does not in fact differentiate between what is real or unreal, which explains, for example, the feeling of unease that we feel when we imagine the worst in a situation.
Creative visualization consists of associating positive thoughts and images, corresponding to our desires, by feeling the emotions and sensations linked to them. Practiced regularly, this relaxation technique improves well-being and helps us feel more positive every day!
Finally, listen to your body, watch your bad habits, take care of your meals, exercise, slow down the use of screens and above all, and don’t dare to seek the advice of a professional if you are not feeling well!
For more mindfulness tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed these four relaxation methods to discover and test and found them useful. And you, what are your tips for not letting stress overtake your life and keeping calm and relaxed? Tell us everything in the comments, we’re waiting for your tips!
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!