How To Avoid The Phenomenon Of Heavy Legs

The summer months are often the hardest to live with for those who suffer from heavy legs on a daily basis. Let’s try together to understand this problem and its origins. We will also give you our best advice on how to avoid the phenomenon of heavy legs as well as some natural remedies to prevent it.
What is the phenomenon of heavy legs?
Poor blood circulation, also called venous insufficiency, is one of the main causes of leg pain. Leg pain is characterized by sensitive, heavy or tense lower limbs.
How does blood circulation work?
When we walk, the vessels located under the arch of the foot are compressed and send blood to the upper body. The calf muscles contract to facilitate the propulsion of the blood. The veins act as a means of transport and allow the blood fluid to rise. They are equipped with valves that prevent the blood from going back down to the lower body.
If this elevator system does not work, the blood stagnates in the calves and the person suffers from venous insufficiency. This results in heavy legs, swollen feet, tingling, itching or even cramps during the night.
Summer: The ennemy of blood circulation!
Symptoms tend to be more impactful in the summer. During high heat, our body does everything it can to maintain our internal temperature at a level.
To ensure our good health, it increases the rate of blood circulation and reduces the contraction of the veins. The small flaps of the valves then have difficulty playing their role. Result: the blood circulates with difficulty to the upper body and stagnates in dilated and overloaded veins.
How to avoid the phenomenon of heavy legs to maintain a sporting activity?
Maintaining a sports activity is essential to promote better blood circulation. What is important is to avoid jolts that prevent the normal functioning of blood circulation.
–Avoid certain sports…
- Tennis, jogging and Zumba weaken the joints of the lower limbs.
- Weightlifting and combat sports require breathing hold and intense and long muscle contractions.
- Rugby, squash and football cause direct impacts on the legs.
- Rebound sports (athletics, basketball and handball) make the venous walls fragile.
- Horse riding is not to be banned, but to be avoided because of the tight pants and tights that must be worn.
–Opt for other sports!
We recommend sports activities such as:
- swimming,
- aqua gym
- endurance sports such as cycling to prevent leg pain.
Also remember to always stretch well after a sports session. This helps relax your muscles and make your legs feel lighter.
–Improve blood circulation by walking
Walking, even just 30 minutes a day, allows your calf muscles to contract properly. Blood is then more easily expelled to the upper body.
It should be added that when you walk, the network of veins under your feet is stimulated and promotes blood circulation to the heart.
If you have the opportunity, walk barefoot on the beach: the sand and sea water are ideal for preventing heavy legs. Otherwise, wear good walking shoes that can absorb shocks and vibrations.
–Stay away from the sun
Do you want to enjoy your beach vacation and come back with a tan? Be aware that it is best to avoid being in direct sunlight during the most dangerous hours. Stay in the shade between noon and 3 p.m.
Outside of this time, expose yourself for a few minutes and gradually. Apply a protective sunscreen and moisturize as often as possible.
–Elevate your legs
You can boost your blood circulation by elevating your legs. Place them on a chair so that your feet are higher than your pelvis. In this position, your venous walls have an easier time pushing the blood up the body.
For a convincing result, place yourself with your back on the ground and your legs raised against the wall. Do not arch your back and take advantage of these ten minutes to breathe and relax.
–Move as much as possible
Do you work in a seated position? Do you have to stand and stay in one place for long hours? Remember to contract your calves regularly! Perform foot flexion movements. As soon as you take a break, get up and walk as much as possible.
–Choose the right clothes and shoes
We tend to prefer light and loose clothing in summer. This is a very good choice, especially for those who suffer from heavy legs. The same goes for shoes. You need a comfortable model, with a heel of 3 to 4 cm when possible in order to propel the blood upwards. As soon as you have the opportunity, walk barefoot.
What natural remedies to relieve heavy legs?
Despite these tips, do you suffer from leg pain? These tips will help you feel better quickly!
–Cold showers
Finish your shower by passing a jet of invigorating cold water from the ankle to the thigh. A cool temperature has a veinotonic effect and stimulates your blood circulation.
–Natural massages
Limit your feeling of discomfort by massaging yourself with a treatment dedicated to heavy legs. This is generally composed of butcher’s broom. Also called Ruscus, this plant limits inflammation and blood overload in the lower limbs. Its soothing effects are often combined with those of horse chestnut or red vine
Horse chestnut is a non-edible seed of the horse chestnut tree. It alleviates venous disorders. Red vine and witch hazel have elements capable of improving the permeability of blood vessels and thus blood circulation. If, in addition, your treatment offers a menthol extract such as peppermint essential oil, you are sure to feel quickly relieved.
Sit down and raise your legs with a cushion. Gently massage the arch of your foot. Move up towards your ankles, calves and knees by rolling your skin fold between your index finger and thumb. This technique helps restart the blood circulation process. If you have varicose veins, ask your doctor for advice.
Lemon essential oil offers cardiovascular and circulatory properties. Dilute a drop of this essence in 5 drops of sweet almond oil (or other vegetable oil) to massage your ankles and legs. Cypress essential oil is ideal for circulatory problems and heavy legs. It is very often used in aromatherapy.
–Food and hydration
Fruits and vegetables protect your veins. Antioxidants such as strawberries, peppers and citrus fruits are to be favored. Drain your body and eliminate your toxins by drinking plenty of water. Of course, avoid coffee, alcohol and tobacco.
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I hope you enjoyed this little guide on how to avoid the phenomenon of heavy legs and found it useful. Comment down below what you think. Do you agree? Or share with us your tips and intake!
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