
How To Exercise At Home

How To Exercise At Home

Exercising at home is easier than it looks! In addition, it gets rid of the constraints of the schedule, the matching sports outfit to the toes and having to fit the children during your session. I want to accompany you in this well-being process. So fitness, it’s when you want it, warm and cozy, and above all, at home! Here are a few tips on how to exercise at home.

Why Exercise At Home

The first advantage of doing sports at home: it’s actually relatively easy! No time constraints like a gym and very few essential equipment, not negligible when time and budget are limited. To do your exercises at home, a floor mat and comfortable sportswear are often more than enough.

The advantage of playing sports at home is also to practice an activity at your own pace, without worrying about that of others. If you’re watching a sports video on a website, you can pause whenever you want. You have the choice of the exercises that you like, those that will motivate you to play sports at home. Gym, bodybuilding, stretching, yoga… everything is possible!

And finally, it is quite possible to practice an activity with children, such as yoga, the gym, stretching… Sports adapted to the youngest, to get the whole family moving.

How To Exercise At Home

– A Sports Session At Your Home With Coached Lessons

Nothing could be simpler than video lessons at home! we have on youtube, for example, online videos, produced by professional coaches and directly recorded from their fitness clubs. Live or on-demand lessons depending on the application chosen, you have a multitude of videos with a wide variety of sports (cycling, muscle building, yoga, Pilates, step, dance…) to concoct the sessions that please you. As if you were in a gym but quietly installed at home.

-A Sports Program At Home

OK, do you want to be taken by the hand and guided, week after week, through a sports program to do at home? I have the solution; there are applications or even online professionals who do that! Weekly or monthly sports programs to do outdoors or at home.

What Physical Activities To Practice At Home

You know how to get to start the exercising at home. So now, which sport to choose?

-Jumping Rope

We can never give enough credit to this simple and yet extremely effective fitness accessory: the jump rope. Perfect for maintaining your shape at home! It solicits the lower body but also tones the abs, arms and shoulders.

Very easy to use, it is ideal for slimming down, having a tight stomach, gaining endurance and fighting cellulite. Start with 5 minutes of jumping, then gradually increase to 15 minutes (equivalent to 30 minutes of jogging) to finally access a 30-minute workout.

Tiring but promised, the effects are there! The ideal: a ground not too hard and especially no neighbor below.

– The Apartment Bike To Keep Your Tone

It is undoubtably the very symbol of sport at home. It allows you to get back in shape by improving your endurance; it muscles, without trauma to the joints. It refines the silhouette and burns fat; Finally, bike exercise is excellent for preserving the cardiovascular system.

A good adjustment of the position, is the guarantee of not suffering from lower back pain. So take a few minutes to take care of your posture (saddle at hip level and leg slightly bent on the pedal).

– To Work Your Abs

Nothing like abdominal exercises to keep in shape at home and especially strengthen the abdominals. The basic exercise is the abdominal plank: resting on your elbows and feet, contract your abdominals and hold the position between 30 seconds and one minute.

The body must be well aligned, as in a push-up position.

Do 3 sets with a 30-second recovery time, 2-3 times a week. To work the medium and large obliques, execute a side plank: sideways resting on one elbow, feet and legs together, hold the position, or make small movements at the hips and pelvis, to complicate the task!

-The Elliptical Bike To Work All Muscles

The main advantage of the elliptical exercise: it works 80% of the muscles of the body! As proof, this beautiful teamwork: the push of the pedals stimulates both the thighs, the glutes, the calves; while at the same time the arms, shoulders and pecs are working to operate the handles. Finally, another advantage: the movements of the device oblige us to stand up straight (a good point for those who suffer from back pain) and help our abs to contract naturally.

Like the exercise bike, it is also good for the heart and spares the joints, like all worn sports.

– The Gym Ball To Gently Sculpt The Body

The gym ball (or swiss ball) is a fitness ball that allows you to gently strengthen deep muscles. To sit on it is to put your balance into play, soliciting these famous postural muscles. If it mainly works on the abdominals (the gym ball is very effective for finding a flat stomach) it also helps strengthen the thighs and buttocks.

A gym ball is chosen according to your height. Your knees must be at a right angle when you are seated on it. Also remember that the more flexible a ball is, the easier the exercises are to perform. We advise you to inflate it as you progress.

– Yoga To Reconnect With Yourself

We know it and we should all practice it because its benefits are numerous. Very easy to do with children, yoga brings concentration, tonicity, flexibility, zenitude. It allows you to learn to breathe better, it offers a good break to the mind and reduces stress. Doing yoga at home also means enjoying even more the calm it provides, without being disturbed by external constraints. Perfect for lounging on the sofa afterwards.

– Pilates

A very gentle sport that develops the body in a harmonious way, corrects bad postures, strengthens the abdominal strap and offers an ideal complement to all cardio activities? It’s all found: it’s Pilates! Its principle is essentially based on concentration, breathing and body control. You learns to know yourself better and better feel the sensations experienced during the practice.

It is also the best friend to the tight stomach and the fight against back pain. It is by strengthening the deep muscles of the abdominal strap that it provides the body with all the strength it needs to feel better. To try it is to adopt it! (learn more about it here)

If you are looking for budget-friendly equipments to start your fitness journey, Decathlon offer a range of various items (click here).

Hope you enjoyed my how to exercise at home tips and found it useful. Comment down below if you work out at home, and share with us your favorite online exercises.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive vibes!!!

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