
5 Benefits Of Running

5 Benefits Of Running

Running improves the immune system, relaxation and increases bone mass. Here are the main 5 benefits of running to get you motivated to start your running journey.

1 – To have fun

A running session is to take pleasure in many forms, whether it’s enjoying nature, clearing your head or even enjoying physical effort and achieving challenges.

A parenthesis in an often busy day, a running outing should give you pleasure, even if it is sometimes difficult. Many people start running out of necessity and then can’t live without it.

2 – Be in good health

Studies show that sport, and therefore running, preserves health. Regular physical activity maintains the musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones) and prevents the risk of diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension or even cardiovascular accidents. Many say that the practice of sport acts as a protector of health.

In general, the World Health Organization recommends that adults “practice at least 150 minutes (i.e. 2h30) per week of sustained intensity endurance activity” and running precisely allows this work to be done.(click here) (https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/factsheet_adults/fr/) But no pressure because even in small quantities (and therefore less than 30 minutes a day), regular sports practice such as running helps to be in good health.

These benefits can be distinguished on 3 main levels:

Cardiovascular benefits

A major study published on November 4, 2019 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (Z. Pedisic, N. Shrestha, Kovalchik Set) involving a total of 232,149 participants showed a 30% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular reasons in people who practice running, even in people who practice less than 50 minutes per week.

Running activates the cardiovascular system and strengthens it.

The more you practice, the greater the benefits. Remember to do a regular medical check-up to detect any element or pathology incompatible with sports practice. If you practice running (or any other sport) at high intensity and therefore with high cardio, should be medically monitored.

The benefits on the musculoskeletal level (bones, muscles, joints, etc.)

Our body is damaged if it is not enough, or, conversely, too much solicited. The same is true with running. It is therefore necessary to find your balance of quantity and intensity of practice so as not to injure yourself. Like any sport, running can be learned and requires adaptation of the body. When starting out, following a progressive approach is therefore essential so as not to do too much, too soon. In order to help your body adapt, favor regularity over quantity in the organization of your sessions. Once this balance has been respected, running allows muscle and joint strengthening or even a reduction in the risk of the appearance of certain pathologies. By straining the bones with each stride, running strengthens the skeleton and also prevents the appearance of various pathologies such as osteoporosis.”

Dr Pascal EDOUARD, specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation

The mental benefits Running isn’t always easy.

Overcoming difficulties in racing and in training and achieving challenges brings satisfaction that strengthens self-esteem.

When you run, you focus on your feelings and forget the rest. This parenthesis relieves the mind and lowers the level of stress. For some, running is even a form of meditation.

After a running session, you generally feel a better ability to concentrate and positive energy. Perfect for starting the day off right!

3 – Lose weight

Like any physical exercise, a regular and adapted practice of running increases energy expenditure. Associated with a healthy and balanced diet, running can therefore in some cases help to lose weight.

Even if your main motivation is weight loss, the benefits will go far beyond that with an improvement in your general health as mentioned above.

4 – Running is an accessible sport

You don’t need much material and you are quickly ready for your session, which is very practical for regular practice.

Only a pair of running shoes adapted to your practice is essential. The other accessories will allow you to gain comfort and performance without being essential.

5 – Being part of a community

If running is an individual sport and many runners appreciate a certain solitude during their session, running with friends, within a club or during a race is also an additional motivation and source of well-being.

Belonging to a community reassures and motivates. Running in a group allows you to meet new people and strengthen your social ties. The community aspect of running is very visible in races from 10km to marathon. Indeed, what could be better than sharing a common passion between runners?

The benefits of running are so numerous that it would be difficult to list them all. While studies clearly show an overall improvement in quality of life through running, everyone will find their reasons for running based on their personality and goals.

Comment down below if you are a runner, tell us about your experience, and share with us your tips and tricks on how to incorporate this sport into our daily life.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive vibes!!!

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