Benefits Of Sport On Mental Health

The benefits of sport on mental health? The benefits of sports activity are not limited to improving physical condition; sport is also a vector of well-being, by acting directly on our mental health.
Sport conveys a feeling of general well-being
It has happened to all of us. What is this feeling that invades us after an intensive sports session? We are drained, washed out… but also completely relaxed and serene. This feeling of well-being, almost euphoric, has its origin in endorphins. These pleasure hormones sent by the brain following the realization of an intense effort. Like a drug, it is also what explains an irrepressible need to train. By dint of training, some athletes can no longer manage to do without their sports routine. Practiced with reason, sport allows you to feel more well-being and serenity.
The benefits of sport on intellectual abilities
As we have seen, the intensive practice of a sport, and in particular an endurance sport, contributes to improving blood circulation in the body. Therefore, carbon dioxide is also transported faster, leading to better oxygenation of the brain. Brain activity is therefore greatly stimulated, improving our ability to think or remember. It also improves morale, psychological balance and fights against nervous tension. In addition, it supports brain development.
Sport, a quality anti-stress
As a consequence of the action of endorphins, and of this general well-being, the levels of stress and anxiety also decrease significantly with the practice of an intense sports activity. Beyond its tranquilizing effect, sport also allows you to take a break from everyday life, and to forget, for a few hours, the little worries that usually occupy our minds. Subsequently, it helps us to consider these problems with much more serenity.
It is a real tool in the fight against stress, anxiety attacks, or even depression. It is all the more beneficial in children, adolescents and seniors, the most affected by the lack of recognition and self-confidence.
Better quality of sleep thanks to sport
Intensive and regular sports practice is ideal for improving sleep cycles and enjoying restful sleep. Again, endorphins, and the feeling of well-being they transmit, help the body sink into a deeper sleep. Sleep free from stress and anxiety. Sport is therefore a formidable ally in the fight against insomnia.
The integration of new life values
Indirectly, sport helps to strengthen the ties of social belonging and integration. It is often used in rehabilitation therapy for marginalized people. Indeed, whether it’s a football team, a weight room, group activities (aerobics, dance, Crossfit, etc.)… Sport brings people together around the same passion. different. What to be able to weave strong relational bonds.
Beyond the societal aspect, a sporting activity, and in particular team sports, are excellent vectors of learning for young people. Sport conveys values of friendship, solidarity, respect, self-control, surpassing oneself or even courtesy.
Sport, accompanied by an adapted diet, has often been considered a means of losing weight quickly and effectively. And this, without dwelling on its incredible benefits on the physical and mental health of those who practice it. However, with the elements presented above, we understand that physical activity is a real therapy, effective at any age and at any level… As long as we show a little motivation and willpower. So, what are you waiting for to put on your sneakers?
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