The Best Exercises To Refine Your Thighs

To refine your thighs, it is important to strengthen the three compartments (anterior, medial and posterior) as much as possible, in order to be in balance and not risk injury on the one hand, but also for a harmony of the silhouette. . For slender thighs, do long series and light weights instead. Here is a collection of the best exercises to refine your thighs. They’re easy to replicate, aren’t known to be traumatic, and best of all, they’re effective.
To firm the inner thighs
The thigh muscles are divided into three compartments: the anterior compartment, the medial compartment and the posterior compartment. The anterior compartment is occupied essentially by the quadriceps, and the Sartorius. The medial compartment contains the adductor muscles. The posterior compartment contains the 3 hamstring muscles.
–Exercise with a ball
In the starting position, lying on your back, legs bent, place a ball between your knees then press it hard while exhaling. Hold the pressure for 2-3 seconds then release and repeat. This simple exercise is the most effective for erasing fat from the inner thighs.
Exercise with a rubber band
Tie one end of your rubber band to the leg of a secure table, and the other end to your ankle. Move wide enough so that the rubber band is slightly taut in the starting position, and stand up with your back straight, possibly holding on to maintain your balance. The exercise simply consists of bringing your leg towards the other in order to perform the hip adduction movement which strengthens the inner thigh. Perform the movement slowly, always exhaling during the contraction phase.
To firm the back of the thigh
–With a chair
This exercise allows you to strengthen the hamstrings with the use of a simple chair. It can be done with both legs at the same time or one leg at a time for more difficulty.
Lie down with your back on the ground, put your feet on a chair, with your legs bent at a right angle. Press down with your heel to lift your pelvis off the floor and hold for a few seconds. If you work one leg at a time, the other should be in the air above the pelvis.
The best exercise for quadriceps
–The chair
Ideal because it can be done anywhere and anytime, the chair exercise consists of positioning yourself as if you were sitting on a chair: standing against a wall, arms relaxed and feet together, lower yourself along the wall until the thighs are parallel to the ground, then hold the position between 30 seconds and 1 minute. Take a rest time of about 1 minute and repeat.
Other exercises to refine your thighs
The following exercises are ideal because they work the entire thigh at the same time.
–The squat
Also called leg squat. The squat is a great exercise for your quadriceps which are targeted, but also engages the adductors, hamstrings and glutes. It also secondarily solicits the calves, lumbar and abdominal muscles. It is therefore very comprehensive. It is achievable with weights, or simply with body weight. It strengthens and participates in a good physical preparation but it is also aesthetically interesting to refine and shape the legs. The quadriceps being very large and therefore energy consumers, it also allows you to burn calories.
How to exercise
Standing, legs shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart outwards and arms outstretched in front of you, bend your legs while inhaling, and push your buttocks backwards until your thighs are parallel to the floor as if to squat. Get up slowly and breathlessly to return to the starting position.
The different variations of squats
- deep squats: which consist of going as low as possible (and not stopping at the parallel);
- sumo squats: with the legs very open to the outside;
- the squat with jump, or on one leg… enough to vary the pleasures and the sessions.
The front lunge
This well-known exercise also strengthens the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. Starting from a standing position, you take a step forward then you bend over it on a vertical axis, angle of the back leg at 90 degrees and the same for the front. Then, you return to the initial position and change sides. If you have space, you can do them by moving forward which will spontaneously alternate sides.
You can perform them with body weight or by loading with weights. To target the quadriceps, do not take too big a step forward: a smaller spacing will favor the work of the front of the thigh.
All cardio sports will help you slim down your thighs, causing you to lose fat. Remember that a balanced diet will be the key to your refinement, and that hydration is essential before, during and after exercise.
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