
Are Anti-Stress Toys Effective?

To deal with the stressful situations of daily life, it is possible to use an anti-stress toy, a new fun therapeutic tool allowing you to relax and unwind in a few minutes, whether at home or at your workplace. What is? Which model to choose? Are anti-stress toys effective? Here is everything you need to know.

What is an anti-stress toy?

Based on sensory experiences, the anti-stress toy is designed to help manage stress by helping to release nervous and muscular tension, while providing a sensation that is both pleasant and calming.

Having become popular in recent years, anti-stress toys are simple, fun and effective gadgets that allow:

  • to relax when anxiety and stress appear;
  • to be distracted;
  • to calm down.

What are the different types of stress toys?

There are many types and models of anti-stress toys on the market today. However, three main types stand out among the wide choice available:

  • fidget toys;
  • anti-stress balls;
  • the squishies.

Anti-stress โ€œfidgetโ€ toys

Fidget toys are objects made of colored silicone, which reproduce the protective bubbles that we like to burst when opening a package. These toys constitute self-regulation tools allowing:

  • keep your fingers busy;
  • calm his nerves;
  • promote concentration;
  • eliminate or reduce stress;
  • increase the tactile sensitivity of your fingers.

There are also foot fidget toys that:

  • improve concentration;
  • relieve stress;
  • keep the mind alert while working;
  • keep the body relaxed in moments of tension or anxiety.

Anti-stress balls

Stress balls are some of the most common stress toys available on the market today. These are small balls filled with malleable clay or gel that can be held comfortably in the palm of your hand. By pressing the ball repeatedly with your fingers or in the palm of your hand, you:

  • relieves stress;
  • releases tension and other negative emotions;
  • stimulates blood circulation.


These foam toys have the same function as a stress ball. The difference lies in the fact that they represent:

  • objects such as a pencil;
  • animals such as a little unicorn;
  • food such as a banana.

Furthermore, the squishies have a slight pleasant smell. These allow you to transfer all the tension that the user feels and get rid of it by letting go. The characteristics of this toy allow you to repeat the maneuver as many times as necessary to evacuate everything.

It is possible to make it with easily available materials such as:

  • a ball ;
  • rice ;
  • sugar ;
  • some water ;
  • toothpaste ;
  • etc.

Other anti-stress toys

There are other types of anti-stress toys made in particular with magnets. These allow you to de-stress and pass the time. There are several types such as magnets in the shape of small bricks which make it possible to create numerous architectural structures such as:

  • houses ;
  • bridges ;
  • cars ;
  • etc.

Furthermore, magnetic rings allow you to free your mind while improving your dexterity.

Are Anti-stress toys Effective?

Anti-stress toys allow you to:

-Release tension

When you squeeze a ball or squishy, the muscles in your hand and wrist tighten, and when you release it, the muscles relax. Doing this repeatedly helps release tension, for example after a stressful meeting or phone call

Divert your attention

Working with a stress toy can be enjoyable. All our attention is directed towards it and we then stop concentrating on the source of our stress. Just like a person who meditates, their mind and body feel more relaxed after a short while

-Stimulate the nerves

The anti-stress toy stimulates the nerves in the hand which are connected to the limbic region of the brain. This is associated with emotions. This is why squeezing and releasing a stress toy leaves you feeling calm and relaxed.

-Improve your mood

Handling an anti-stress toy stimulates the brain, which releases endorphins, natural painkillers that improve mood.

Prevent musculoskeletal problems

Anti-stress toys help release hand tension and strengthen finger muscles while providing a certain joint flexibility in the hands and wrists.

Reduce stress

Playing with an anti-stress object allows you to escape for a few minutes, thus helping to release nervous and muscular tension, allowing the necessary emotional distance from a tense situation. Anti-stress toys help fight stress by keeping negative thoughts away, put things into perspective for better self-confidence and to protect yourself from any negative stress.

Free yourself from bad habits

Repetitive hand gestures often unconsciously betray and express a certain level of anxiety: biting fingertips or nails, squeezing finger joints to make them crack, compulsively handling a pendant or pen. Handling an anti-stress toy allows you to free yourself from these bad habits while remaining calm

Helping yourself in your decision to quit smoking

You can get rid of the habit, hold a cigarette by squeezing, kneading, playing with an anti-stress toy.

How to choose the right anti-stress toy?

There is nothing easier than buying an anti-stress item to relax. But to do this, it is important to find the object you need while taking into account the following criteria:

User age

In order for the anti-stress toy to fulfill its role, it must be adapted to the ability of the owner. For a child, a squeeze ball or even a pull rope will be suitable. For an adult, a cube-shaped fidget or a ball will have the desired effect on their state of mind.

The material used to make the anti-stress toy

Since both children and adults can use it, it is recommended to opt for a model made with non-toxic and hypoallergenic material.

The size of the anti-stress toy

To be effective, the anti-stress toy must fill the hand well. Furthermore, it must be easy to insert into your bag so that it can follow its user everywhere, from home to their workplace.

Finally, listen to your body, watch your bad habits, take care of your meals, exercise, slow down the use of screens and above all, don’t dare to seek the advice of a professional if you are not feeling well!

For more mindfulness tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed these tips on anti-stress toys and found them useful. Comment down below what you think of these toys. Have you tried any? Or share with us other ways you know of destress and tackle on-the-day’s tasks with a smile!

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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