
At Home Exercises For Defined Shoulders

At Home Exercises For Defined Shoulders

The shoulders are frequently overlooked in our training… Never mind, there is still time to get started as they are essential for the proper functioning of our arms. Here are some at home exercises for defined shoulders.

Shoulder exercises are important not only for physical exercise, for a more defined body and for supporting the chest and back, but also for carrying out normal activities in our daily lives and for avoid injury.

At home exercises for defined shoulders

Without further due, here are exercises to sculpt your shoulders with little equipment to do from home.

Push-up pike: 5 to 15 full reps

Start in a downward facing dog position, then bring your feet up so that the shoulders are over the hands. Bring your legs together so that they form an angle with your body.

Keep your elbows close to your sides as you lower your forehead to the floor. This will make the exercise much harder, but will lead to much better form and increased strength in the long run.

Try to lightly touch the ground with your forehead before returning to the starting position. Go down to the ground as for a classic push-up then push back firmly to come back up.

Your back must remain straight and your head must be in the same alignment as the back throughout the execution of the movement. Look at your feet and not your hands during the exercise.

reverse plank: Between 5 and 15 repetitions depending on your level

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place your arms at your sides, slightly behind you. If you can, point your fingers forward, if not, twist slightly for comfort. Engage your core to get into position.

Keeping your legs straight, straighten your arms and slowly thrust your hips out until your whole body is straight: ankles, knees, hips, spine, shoulders and head should all be in a straight line.

Slightly press the heels into the ground to help extend the hips, lifting the chest and keeping the trunk contracted. Hold the position for a set time or number of repetitions.

Pumps: 5 to 15 full reps

With your hands shoulder-width apart, your elbows fully extended, and your body (head to toe) as straight as possible, bend your elbows so that your arms form a 90-degree angle, and come back up.

Squeeze your glutes and tense your abs as you lower and raise your body. Keep your elbows close to your sides to protect your shoulders.

If you can’t do push-ups, it’s easy to modify the same movement by bending your knees slightly and staying on the floor, or start doing push-ups starting with an incline.

Incline push-ups: 12 to 15 repetitions

Face a wall. Place your hands against the wall, slightly wider than shoulder width apart and at the height of your pecs.

Extend your arms (without locking your elbows) and place your feet a little behind so that your bust is leaning forward.

Bend your elbows to bring your chest close to your hands. Inhale during this step. Do the opposite movement to return to the initial position while keeping the previous safety instructions. Exhale during this step.

mountain climber: 15 to 30 reps

Position yourself facing the ground, resting on your hands and tiptoes. Your legs and arms are stretched. Hands in push-up position.

Bring one leg towards your arms while keeping the other straight, still resting on your tiptoes.

The exercise simply consists of quickly and alternately bringing the left and right knees forward.

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I hope you enjoyed these at home exercises for defined shoulders and found them useful. Comment down below what you think, do you agree, or share with us your own selection of exercises for a tight belly.

Looking foward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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