
Benefits Of Hypnosis To Free Yourself From Anxiety

A very old therapy technique, hypnosis is increasingly used in healthcare processes for the treatment of many disorders. By stimulating the sensory channels during the trance state, the professional works with your unconscious to induce changes in your physical or psychological disorders. Many people use this brief therapy to relieve their anxiety, a disorder which today affects between 15 and 20% of the population. When led with expertise and confidence, the hypnosis session is extremely effective. Discover in this blog post, the main benefits of hypnosis to free yourself from anxiety and panic attacks.

What effects does hypnosis have on anxiety?

This brief therapy has short and long-term effects to manage anxiety disorders.

Linked to the unconscious part of your brain, hypnosis can highlight trauma or elements that could have triggered this anxious state or even post-traumatic stress in order to transform these specific situations by creating new frames of reference.

Ericksonian hypnosis is a real facilitative tool that makes it possible to manage numerous disorders. Chronic pain, phobias, depression, eating disorders or sleep disorders, etc. Its field of application is particularly broad. What are the most observed effects of hypnosis against anxiety?

This therapeutic method triggers numerous benefits, since it:

  • Identify the root causes of anxiety
  • Helps you anchor yourself in the present moment
  • Stimulates positive visualization
  • Reduces physical effects of anxiety
  • Promotes and encourages self-confidence

benefits of hypnosis to free yourself from anxiety

Identifying the root causes of anxiety

It is important to identify the causes of anxiety to begin a healing process. This will free you from this daily emotional burden. However, in most cases, the events triggering this emotional state are difficult to identify, repressed by your brain, which has relegated them to its unconscious to keep them far from your memory.

Hypnosis facilitates the access to this unconscious part of the brain. This therapeutic method is most famous for placing you in a state of relaxation called hypnotic trance or altered state of consciousness. It is during this time that you will be more receptive to suggestions and stimulations that will bring you back to hidden thoughts and feelings.

The aim of a first hypnosis session is to find forgotten or repressed elements. These are directly linked to the cause of your anxiety, to reconstruct the situation which caused your state. These elements can be linked to trauma (such as complicated mourning), negative thoughts (after a toxic relationship, for example), limiting beliefsโ€ฆ They will be valuable elements so that you are able to work hand in hand with the hypnotherapist to the natural treatment against anxiety that you carry on a daily basis.

Helps anchor oneself in the present moment

Unlike melancholic depression, which is a condition where your mind focuses on past actions, anxiety is a fear of future events. Panic or anxiety attacks reflect this. They appear during an intense peak of stress, caused by fear of an unpredictable situation or the approach of imminent danger.

At these times, it is extremely difficult to focus on your own physical sensations and the present moment. You can quickly feel overwhelmed, and you lose all your ability. This is when practicing hypnosis can be the key to calming an anxiety attack, or simply managing daily anxiety.

During his sessions with you, the hypnotherapist acts as a guide. It will help you and teach you to feel fully in the present moment: sensations, breathing, position in spaceโ€ฆ The objective is to anchor yourself in this moment, in order to find a reference point when stress arises. intensifies.

Stimulates positive visualization

Anxiety is a disorder with strong links to limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and doubt. If you suffer from this, then it may be interesting to work on your positive visualization. This is done by focusing on positive and encouraging images and scenarios, to help you get through certain emotional peaks.

When you are in a hypnotic state, you are directly more receptive to the therapist’s suggestions. You will then have an easier time visualizing positive situations. Passing an exam, better communication with your partner, better performance at work, gaining self-confidence, etc.

As with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), we deconstruct anxious apprehension into a positive and serene image. Visualization instantly improves mood, and helps strengthen feelings of hope and motivation in the long term.
It is a method of hypnosis which has proven itself in many fields. Notably among certain sports athletes who are used to visualizing sporting success in the run-up to a competition to combine physical preparation and mental motivation.

This technique is easily applicable during situations of stress and anxiety. It proves to be a very useful tool for dealing with a disturbing situation or understanding an event in a more serene way.

Reduces the physical effects of anxiety

The effects of stress and anxiety are numerous. Not only on a psychological level, but also on a physical level. Anxiety always has major symptoms: heart beating faster, tension in the muscles and jaw, migraines, muscle pain, tachycardiaโ€ฆ The practice of hypnosis will help ease these tensions.

The objective with this method is to release mental and muscular tension. Thus controlling physiological responses to anxiety: It controls breathing and heartbeat with cardiac coherence, relaxs the muscles one by one as in the exercises of sophrologyโ€ฆ We try to instantly calm the body’s response to this psychological stress thanks to hypnosis.

If the anxiety-provoking situation comes from a specific event, it will be possible to mentally modify it. Thus by changing certain parameters: add more pleasant music, integrate more light, etc. The unconscious will then visualize this event under a new eye, and will no longer treat it as a danger.

Sometimes anxiety causes impressive behaviors. For people with OCD such as impulse phobia, the anxiety caused by intrusive thoughts triggers vivid behavior. It is then interesting to treat the associated disorders, especially when they are the source of this stress, in order to be able to completely free yourself from this discomfort on a daily basis.

Promotes and encourages self-confidence

Anxiety and lack of confidence are associated, anxiety can fuel lack of self-confidence, but it can also be one of the main consequences. Since they are closely related, these two disorders are frequently worked on together during hypnosis sessions.

Many people who want to quit an addiction, or those who suffer from low self-esteem when dealing with a condition like attention deficit disorder (ADHD), need a real psychological support.

Sometimes combined with other therapeutic methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or EMDR, it is also hypnosis that will help you gain full confidence in yourself. The professional will, during the sessions, be able to suggest to your unconscious patterns of confidence, self-love, full capacity to nourish your self-confidence.
It is a method that is commonly used to treat irrational fears such as aviophobia, or agoraphobia for example. In addition to working on your different sensory channels which react to this phobia, the therapist will help your unconscious to awaken this confidence in you which is dysfunctional at this precise moment. It is an excellent complement to exposure prevention therapy (EPR) to treat a phobia.

How does self-hypnosis help treat stress and anxiety attacks?

The practice of self-hypnosis has considerable advantages. It allows you to manage yourself the moments when stress is at its peak, and thus prevent anxiety attacks.

Self-hypnosis is a practice that generates many benefits, and which does not require the direct support of a professional. It is then possible to practice it at any time, when you feel the need.

Indeed, a hypnosis session against stress and anxiety is often carried out in the office with the physical presence of the therapist. But there are psychologists who carry out remote sessions with the same efficiency.

Self-hypnosis is a step higher than these methods, since it allows you to manage your moments of anxiety independently. Often, people who practice it follow a similar protocol:

  • A first session with a hypnotherapist. This will allow you to understand your needs and establish a relationship of trust with the professional
  • Playing a voice recording. Using the therapist’s voice, you will be able to enter a state of hypnotic trance with an experience similar to a guided session
  • Setting up an anchor. With a gesture, a sound, a noise, you will learn to automatically put yourself in a state of hypnosis to calm your anxiety

Self-hypnosis helps promote your autonomy, especially when you risk going through critical moments that lead to crises. It is in this sense that it is a key ally in calming stress and anxiety, since you will manage, little by little, to manage your emotions without any external help.

For more mindfulness tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed these benefits of hypnosis to free yourself from anxiety and found them useful. Comment down below what you think of the hypnosis. Have you tried it? Or share with us other ways you know of to beat anxiety and tackle on-the-day tasks with a smile!

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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