
Essential Body Care Routine To Prepare For Summer

Summer, what if you prepare to welcome it properly? Seasonal changes can be a real upheaval for your skin. It must adapt to new temperatures and, often, to a new way of life. During the holidays, we also adopt a different rhythm. Sleep and diet are impacted and the epidermis is sensitive to the slightest variation. To help it acclimatize as well as possible, discover this special selection of essential body care routine to prepare for summer.

essential body care routine to prepare for summer

Exfoliate your skin with scrubs

This year, no more last-minute rescue missions. Forget the false tricks to take care of your skin in express. This time, you are determined to take matters into your own hands. You have understood it: having beautiful skin is a long-term job. You have to anticipate so that your skin has time to understand the changes.

First step: gently exfoliate your skin. And this on a regular basis! A scrub every two months is useless. To properly eliminate dead cells and allow your skin to breathe, you must exfoliate at least once a week. Thus, your skin is used to it, you boost its cell renewal cycle and help it to stay healthy.

So how do you gently exfoliate the skin? With scrubs! In the shower, apply a small hazelnut of product and perform circular massages before rinsing with clear water. Result ? Your body is soft, rid of its impurities and subtly perfumed. Your skin texture is refined, your blood circulation stimulated and your complexion luminous. Exfoliation also allows the care applied afterwards to better penetrate the epidermis. So the products will be more efficient.

Hydrate the epidermis with treatments rich in natural active ingredients

Second step: hydration. Once the skin has been exfoliated, its hydrolipidic film must be maintained. This layer makes it possible to retain water on the surface of the epidermis by preventing its evaporation. The hydration step is therefore essential to keep skin supple and plump.

To do this, first and foremost use water-enriched treatments. Try creams or moisturizing milks. Enveloping, unctuous, fragrant, they can be suitable for all skin types and promise you softness, elasticity and vitality. Massage your whole body well until completely absorbed after each shower or bath.

Why integrate this beauty gesture into daily life? Without hydration, the skin eventually becomes dry and dull. It may also present tightness, itching, cracking and other discomforts. Prevention is better than cure! By hydrating your skin all year round, it will be in top form to react to changes as soon as they arise.

Protect the skin, your health capital especially in the sun

The sun is both beneficial and harmful for the skin and hair. Beneficial because we need it, harmful because its rays can damage the body. To remedy this, two key words: moderation and protection.

The sun, an ally of the skin in moderation

The sun is one of the first enemies of skin and hair. For good reason, its ultraviolet rays, or UVA, UVB and UVC rays, can damage the skin and cause significant damage if we are not careful. We are more interested in the first two, the latter being slowed down by the ozone layer.

Of course, these rays, and more specifically UVB rays, allow us to trigger the action of melanin, which gives us that tanned complexion that revives our complexion. UVA rays are considered more dangerous because they insert themselves into our epidermis, which promotes the production of free radicals, destabilizing cells, which weakens the skin barrier, causing dryness of the scalp, premature skin aging, brown spots (or sun spots) or even melanomas.

Hence a moderate and reasonable exposure because the sun is also a friend! Beyond doing good to morale, its radiation helps in the synthesis of vitamin D which the body lacks too often and yet, this substance helps to fix calcium on the bones and strengthens our immune system; thanks to the sun, a hormone, called happiness, is more productive, serotonin.

A deficiency of serotonin has an impact, in particular on depressive states and mood disorders or even motivation. Boosting happiness hormones in a natural way is ideal!
Exposing yourself, yes, but in moderation and at the right time, that is to say from 4 p.m. minimum, never before.

The right sun protection, first choice shield

Beyond these tips and tricks, it goes without saying that good sun protection is a must to prepare your body for summer but also to spend a summer under the best auspices. Opt for a sunscreen, a spray or any protection, classic or mineral, depending on the nature of your skin but also its phototype, making sure to choose a sufficiently strong sun protection index (SPF, Sun Protection Factor).

Maintain good daily hygiene and your skin will reward you!

Eating well, moving well, relaxing, hydrating and remembering to breathe, here are also simple but effective tips to prepare your body for summer adventures.
Eating a balanced diet, the basis

Make a cure of food supplements, favor foods rich in certain active ingredients, take care of your body with dedicated treatments or even get a boost with tanning activators: all this is very good but if you do not accompany these tips and tricks of a balanced diet, it will have little lasting effect.

This is why, a bit like a detox after the end of year celebrations, we think of lightening our menus and avoiding fat, sugar and calories in favor of carbohydrates (energy for the muscles), fibers ( intestinal transit) and proteins (satiating effect).

We take the time to eat three meals a day because skipping breakfast makes you start the day on the wrong foot when the body needs energy as soon as you get out of bed.

Keep physically active: all year round

And a balanced diet goes hand in hand with the resumption of physical activity, whatever it may be. Running, yoga, walking, swimming, any activity is beneficial to the mind and the body and one never works without the other. They are interdependent, which means you have to pay attention to both every day and sport is, in itself, a great compromise!

This practice is not only valid for taking care of your body for the summer period but all year round.

For more body care content, click here.

I hope you enjoyed this essential body care routine to prepare for summer and found it useful. Think of any other tips or recommendations? please share them in the comments.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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