Finding Your Inner Balance

Finding your inner balance, working on it and keeping it, despite life’s obstacles, can help us on the path to well-being.
Serenity is an inner balance that allows us to better face life and its obstacles, to get back on our feet better after a hard blow. But how to achieve this serenity? It begins with self-knowledge, and through work to identify limiting fears, to recognize them, accept them, transform them. We give you all our advice.
Finding your inner balance
–Accept your flaws and contradictions
We all have flaws: they are built in relation to our environment, they are an integral part of us in the same way as our strengths. No one is to blame for our flaws, they are part of our being and should not be hidden. We can work on them if they are annoying, but they are also what make us unique. However, accepting one’s weaknesses does not happen instantly, it is a journey that requires work.
We also have contradictions, accepting them is part of this search for inner balance. This is not about judging yourself, but about knowing better the way you operate. For example, imagine something that makes you uncomfortable, and try to understand what is holding you back. This will allow you to give more meaning to your behaviors.
–Work on your skills
We often tell ourselves that life would be simpler if we were prettier, taller, more intelligent… By doing this, we depreciate ourselves and prevent ourselves from finding our balance. Try to find your skills, what you are good at, and cultivate them. It could be painting, singing, crafting… anything! By focusing on what you do well and what you like, you will feel more peaceful.
–To question ourselves
When we encounter a difficulty, in addition to looking for solutions, we can try to understand what brought us there. Our first reaction is often to say that it is someone else’s fault because the situation is causing us pain. However, we also have our share of responsibility in creating the situation. Uncovering how we contributed to this difficulty allows us to understand our behavior and the non-unconscious motivations that led us to this. From there, can we act to change things?
–Get inspired by others
Out of fear, out of a feeling of inferiority, we quickly tend to criticize the people around us. What if, instead, we tried to see the qualities in this person that we could draw inspiration from? The meeting is a moment of sharing: learning to see the good in others will also help us to see the best in ourselves.
–Don’t be afraid of failure
The fear of failure holds us back in many of our projects. However, making a mistake, failing, is a way to learn. This allows us to dare and take risks. Having the feeling of having failed or experiencing failure is not serious, it is part of our life journey. We too often remain stuck in situations (romantic, professional, family) from which we do not dare to escape for fear of failure and judgment of ourselves and others, even though we have within us the resources to get through them. and transform them. .
When you find yourself in a situation that you feel like you can’t get out of, don’t hesitate to ask those around you for advice to broaden your vision of the situation. Your friends, your family, or even a psychologist can help you take a step back, make your choices and move forward.
–Knowing how to accept when you are feeling bad
We are constantly surrounded by little injunctions towards happiness, which make us understand that we have no right to complain or to feel bad. However, we have the right to suffer, even if it is for something that seems unnecessary. Accepting that we are feeling bad and that we have the right to feel that way helps us overcome challenges.
–Think “how” rather than “why”
Perhaps you have made mistakes in the past, things that you are not proud of, that weigh on you today. Rather than asking yourself “why” you did that, or “why” you are in a situation that doesn’t suit you, ask yourself “how” to move forward. What are the concrete solutions to act?
–Become aware of yourself and your experiences
Meditation is an excellent exercise for learning to become aware of ourselves, of what we are experiencing, of what surrounds us. Take five minutes a day to try: sit up straight in a chair, in a quiet room, set a timer on your phone to avoid having to check the time. Focus on your breathing (at the level of the nose,chest or stomach): don’t try not to think about anything, but let the thoughts flow without controlling them. Little by little, try to increase this time. Meditation will help you become aware of what you experience every day, and will help you in your quest for inner balance.
Can’t find your own inner balance? Professionals are available to you 24/7.
Finally, listen to your body, watch your bad habits, take care of your meals, exercise, slow down the use of screens and above all, and don’t dare to seek the advice of a professional if you are not feeling well!
For more mindfulness tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed this little guide on finding your inner balance and found them useful. And you, what are your tips for not letting stress overtake your life and finding balance? Tell us everything in the comments, we’re waiting for your tips!
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!