Foods To Lose Weight

What foods to lose weight quickly? What food burns the most fat? Here are the essential foods for healthy weight loss!
When you want to lose weight, it is important to choose foods that will accompany this slimming diet and promote slimming. The food we eat plays a determining role in weight loss since it depends on caloric intake, hormonal balance or satiety. A food for weight loss can activate the metabolism, help burn calories and help achieve your slimming goals, without depriving yourself too much.
With a varied and balanced diet, you will be able to eat your fill, make various recipes to avoid frustration and guarantee your body all the nutrients it needs to function properly. Here is a list of foods to lose weight to include in your diet.
Foods to lose weight
If you don’t know what to eat to lose weight more easily, here are the foods that can be included in a diet.
–Fat Burner
A fat burner contains active ingredients such as caffeine or green tea extracts for example that help boost metabolism, which can lead to faster calorie burning. In addition to speeding up metabolism, some fat burners can reduce appetite, which helps lower calorie intake. Additionally, they can promote lipolysis, which is the process of breaking down fat cells for energy. Thus, they can be useful for those looking to lose weight by supplementing their exercise routine and diet.
Water is a weight loss food that should not be neglected, for its zero calorie intake, its ability to suppress hunger and increase satiety, and its essential role for the body. If you drink a glass of cold water, you will burn a few extra calories because your metabolism will have to activate to warm it up. To accelerate weight loss, water is a very important ally.
They are very low in calories and rich in fiber, which allows you to be satisfied, and to have better transit and therefore better digestion, to more easily eliminate undesirables from the body.
–The courgette
Zucchini is a weight loss food that provides vitamins and minerals to the body. Per 100 g, it has only 19 calories and is therefore a good choice for your culinary preparations.
Broccoli is one of the best foods for weight loss, due to its richness in micronutrients, fiber and proteins. It also contains vitamin C, which ensures the proper functioning of the body even during periods of weight loss. Per 100g it contains 34 calories.
–Green beans
All beans are good as part of a slimming diet, but the advantage of green beans is their low calorie intake, with only 31 calories per 100 grams. Easy to prepare, and rich in fiber and protein, they have their place in a balanced diet.
Kale contains 49 calories per 100 g, it is rich in vitamins (A and C) and water, which impacts both the effect of satiety and vitality. To lose weight, it is a food to use without fail.
This weight loss food is rich in fiber and vitamin C. It can be consumed both hot and cold, to vary the pleasures, and contains 4.3 g of protein and 44 calories per 100 g. It goes very well with a diet and can be a great alternative to foods rich in carbohydrates.
Lentils (from the legume family) are known for their satiating ability, which comes from their richness in fiber and protein. They help to digest well and better eliminate toxins, for an accelerated slimming effect.
Like lentils, chickpeas act as an appetite suppressant and can help you eat less throughout the day. They also promote good muscle maintenance despite losing weight.
–Black beans
Black beans are energetic weight loss foods, known mainly for the long-lasting satiety effect they cause and their richness in protein and fiber. They play an important supporting role, to reduce daily calorie intake.
Avocado has a high caloric intake (with 144 calories per 100 g) but it nevertheless remains a very good source of good fat and fiber, for an effective appetite suppressant effect. It also provides potassium, necessary for the body to lose weight better.
With 41 calories per 100 grams, carrots are a great choice for a healthy, fiber-rich snack. Raw or cooked, they have their place in a balanced diet and provide vitamin A, which reinforces the overall action of the body.
–The pepper
Just like the carrot, the pepper is a food for weight loss because it is rich in fiber and provides vitamin C, to help individuals hold on during a long-term slimming diet.
Tomatoes have multiple slimming benefits, starting with their very low caloric intake of 21 calories per 100 grams. They are rich in nutrients and can be prepared in multiple ways for regular use.
Low in calories and rich in fiber, they can promote better digestion and therefore help you lose weight faster. They contain only 27 calories per 100 grams and their virtues are found in both their green and white versions.
Easy to cook as a quiche or as a side dish, leeks are both low in calories, with 61 calories per 100 g, and rich in fiber. They help to digest better and are ideal for a balanced diet.
–The lemon
Lemon is known to be one of the most effective fat-burning foods and it actively participates in the detoxification of the body. To consume it and benefit from its virtues, simply add it to water, for a 100% natural slimming drink.
–Chicken breast
Chicken breast is an important food for satiety and building muscles. It allows, during a diet, to keep lean muscles, in combination with a fat loss process.
Eggs provide many essential nutrients and protein, and they are one of the most important weight loss foods. You should not overdo it, because the yolk can be high in calories, but the use of egg whites to fight hunger is recommended.
An oily fish like salmon is good for its omega-3 content, which promotes insulin sensitivity and helps lose belly fat. It also contains many vitamins and nutrients, which help to cope with weight loss without wavering.
Just like salmon, trout can be eaten 1 to 2 times a week, for its rich protein content and low calorie intake, with 120 calories per 100 g (steamed).
Tuna is a food that can accompany a slimming diet with its richness in omega-3 acid which can accelerate the elimination of fat, and its proteins which give a lasting feeling of satiety.
–Green tea
Green tea has many benefits and it is a weight loss food, which will help increase metabolism. The heat effect caused by use corresponds to increased combustion of calories, for greater elimination. Note that green tea can also be found in the form of a food supplement (or pastillas para adelgazar in Spanish)
This slimming fruit is very low in calories with 42 calories per 100 grams and it promotes both good digestion and a good feeling of satiety. Keep in mind that it must be consumed without sugar to benefit from these effects.
Due to its richness in pectin, which acts as an appetite suppressant, and its low calorie content (with only 52 calories per 100 g), the apple is a weight loss food that should not be neglected. It also contains vitamins (A, B, C) and minerals beneficial to the body.
–Chili pepper
Chili pepper (hot) is a very good food to season your dishes and promote weight loss. It activates metabolism and helps reduce appetite, making it a powerful ally during a diet.
–Chia seeds
Chia seeds are high in fiber (32 g per 100 grams) and omega-3 fatty acids, and they may help you eat less thanks to their ability to absorb water, which promotes satiety.
This cereal, rich in fiber and protein, is good for its high content of complex carbohydrates and low concentration of lipids. It cuts hunger and allows you to have energy every day.
Konjac, in the form of noodles or paste, is an extremely interesting weight loss food. It contains less than 15 calories per 100 grams but offers a significant satiating effect, because it absorbs water and gains volume in the stomach and is rich in glucomannan. Konjac is therefore an excellent appetite suppressant and is one of the best natural slimming allies. It is notably possible to consume Konjac in the form of a slimming capsule.
Probiotics are not a food themselves, but rather live microorganisms, particularly beneficial bacteria, that are believed to have positive health effects, including helping to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora. However, probiotics can be found in certain foods or added to foods. For example, yogurt and other fermented dairy products, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha are common food sources of probiotics. Probiotics are also available in the form of dietary supplements.
Probiotics may aid weight loss by improving digestion, regulating appetite hormones, and reducing fat storage. They may also promote healthy gut flora and reduce inflammation, which are associated with better weight control. However, the effects vary depending on probiotic strains and other factors, and it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using them for weight loss purposes.
What to eat to lose weight?
To lose weight, you need a varied and balanced diet. The important thing is to include as many food groups as possible so that the body does not lack anything, on the one hand, and to benefit from the slimming effects of as many foods as possible on the other. Here are the main categories, which will allow you to establish a nutritional program that is good for your diet.
Non-starchy vegetables
Non-starchy vegetables include:
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Peppers
- Cabbage
- The cucumber
- Asparagus
- The tomato
- The eggplants
- The radishes
- The courgette
- The celery
- Green salads
These non-starchy vegetables are easy to cook in various ways (grilled, sautéed, boiled, steamed, etc.) and some of them can be combined.
They are generally low in calories and carbohydrates but high in fiber, water and nutrients. They can provide the body with important vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, and support the weight loss process by providing a satiety effect to reduce daily calorie intake.
–Low glycemic index fruits
Among the fruits that help regulate blood sugar levels (and therefore avoid gaining weight / wanting to snack), we find:
- Apple
- Pears
- Grapefruit
- Plums
- Apricot
- Orange
- kiwi
- Raspberries
- Cherries
- Berries
- Watermelon
We prefer them fresh and whole, rather than in juice, because the latter can be more concentrated in sugar. Also note that the glycemic index differs depending on the maturity of the fruit and its shape. They provide vitamins and offer energy to the consumer, to support them in their diet. Note, however, that fruits are more caloric than vegetables and that it is advisable not to exceed two daily servings, as part of a slimming diet.
–Lean Protein Sources
Lean protein – ideal for losing weight without losing muscle – is found in foods like:
- Eggs, particularly interesting if you mainly consume egg white
- White and/or lean meat: chicken and turkey breast, beef steak
- Oily fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, sardines or herring
- Legumes such as lentils, black beans, chickpeas
- Tofu
- Quinoa
- Chia seeds
- Almonds
- Cashew
- Dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, skimmed milk, etc.)
These lean proteins help nourish lean mass and promote the elimination of fat mass. The result is a slimming effect without loss of muscle. This allows you to stay in shape, despite losing weight. In addition, this type of food is generally recommended for the satiety effect they confer.
–Healthy fats
We tend to get scared when we see the word fat when we want to lose weight, but there are good fats to consume during a diet. They are found in particular in oils and foods such as:
- Olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, canola oil or sesame oil
- Oily fish
- Avocado
- Seeds and nuts, such as almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, or walnuts
- Peanut butter (natural)
These good fats, called unsaturated fats, are found in fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9) and they contribute to the proper functioning of the body. They contribute to energy intake at around 20/25% of total intake and can help reduce bad cholesterol.
These are important elements for losing weight, particularly for the great satiety that they allow you to obtain, thanks to slow digestion which helps you eat less and less often.
–Whole grains
Whole grains (as opposed to refined grains, in flours for example) should be looked for:
- Whole grain rice
- Quinoa
- Oats
- Barley
- Whole wheat
- Millet
Not only do they provide energy (via the complex carbohydrates and vitamins they contain) but they are also sources of fiber and minerals. They constitute a much healthier alternative to refined flours (without fiber, most often) and will help with weight loss by offering good satiety and increased metabolism activity to digest them.
Foods to avoid to lose weight
One of the difficulties of a diet is to stick to it over time, while facing the frustrations that can come from depriving yourself of the foods you love. It is possible to find tasty alternatives, via delicious but low-calorie recipes and preparations, and the important thing is above all to know the foods to avoid to lose weight.
They generally have common characteristics, such as too many calories, too much sugar or saturated fat, or too high sodium content. Here are the ones to try to avoid:
- Processed foods: Crisps, biscuits, breakfast cereals, snacks and generally all the sweets and confectionery that can be found in supermarkets
- All sugary drinks: fruit juice, soda, energy drinks, and sweetened coffee or tea
- Foods high in saturated fats such as cold meats, fatty meats, cream, butter, certain cheeses
- Fried food
- Foods that are too salty (and therefore too rich in sodium)
- Pastries and pastries are very high in calories, saturated fats and added sugars.
Before any drastic changes to your diet or taking food supplements, do not hesitate to ask you doctor or a professional for advice.
For more health content and tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed this list of foods to lose weight and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of these foods. What would you add? Or share with us how to include these nutrients in our diets to get the best results. Just remember, rock your curves and be proud, no matter what size you are, you are perfect just the way you are. You don’t have to be a certain size to be beautiful. All that matters is that you are healthy!
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!