
Getting Back Into Sport After Summer And Staying Consistent

The holidays are over and it’s time to get back into sport at the start of the school year. A good resolution that is sometimes difficult to keep. Here are some tips for getting back into sport after summer and staying consistent in success.

Getting back into sport after summer and staying consistent

It’s back to school! While some are going back to school, others are taking the opportunity to make good resolutions. Be less negative, quit smoking, eat better… The ambition is there, but the motivation is not always! And this is often the case for one of the most widespread resolutions: getting back into sport. Discover our advice for getting back into it, and continuing in the long term.

Set achievable goals and go at your own pace

Before even starting a training program or getting back into sport, it is important to ask yourself the right questions. Why do you want to get back into sport? What are your goals? How do you want to get there? The key to staying consistent is not to rush from the start so as not to quickly lose motivation. This is often the mistake of beginner athletes who start a program with exercises or a pace that is too intense and who quickly stop due to lack of motivation. It is better to start slowly to get your body used to the effort: after a summer of lazing around and letting go, it needs time to get back into a sustained rhythm.

So we start by trying to understand our body and know its limits, and we determine our program according to our abilities. Motivation plays a very important role in getting back into sport, and especially in staying diligent in the long term. It is therefore important not to get discouraged from the start by setting goals that are too high and that will be too difficult to achieve. If you have quantified goals, you can work in stages by setting lower goals at first, following your rate of progress without demotivating yourself.

Doing sport as a couple to stay motivated

We understand; the key to continuing sport in the long term is to stay motivated. But how to do it? One of the particularly effective solutions to stay motivated is practicing sports with others. Whether in a group during a group class or in a sports association, but also in pairs with a friend, training with others is a real boost for motivation.

Doing sports with others is often recommended for people who want to start a physical activity. Having a sports partner will indeed be extremely beneficial in several ways. First in terms of motivation, where everyone can exchange words of encouragement to continue training and surpass themselves. For many, having a support person is essential to motivate themselves to practice, especially when it comes to getting back into it. Doing sports with others also means sharing your results and advice to always progress more. In group classes, the group effect also plays an important role in motivation and allows you to transform a simple sports session into a friendly and fun time.

Let’s not forget the essentials

Getting back into sport is good. But doing it correctly is better! In the rush and excitement of getting back to work, many forget the essentials for the smooth running of their workouts. Starting with hydration, the central pillar of a sports session. It is very important to hydrate before, during and after physical activity to provide the body with a sufficient amount of water and compensate for the loss linked to perspiration. Dehydration can happen very quickly and cause serious consequences on the body. This is why it is essential to always have a bottle of water to accompany your sports sessions.

Preparing for your session also means having the right equipment adapted to your practice and your needs. Shoes, swimsuit, or even floor mats… each requires special attention to be adapted to your body shape and comfort. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice in store or from your coach to find the equipment you need to practice in the best possible conditions.

Treat yourself

“Last but not least”: treating yourself is essential to stay motivated. You will see that sport quickly becomes “addictive” but for all that, it must always remain a pleasure. And as soon as your motivation starts to run out, find yourself a “carrot”: a new sportswear, new sneakers, an outing with friends or a dinner at a restaurant. You deserve it!

The start of the school year marks the opportunity to be tempted by new sporting activities. Don’t hesitate to vary the pleasures. A multi-activity recovery allows you to work all your muscles and prepare your body well but also and above all to stay motivated. The sensations return gradually and the performances too. You have to be patient, careful and keep your spirits up. The important thing above all is to have fun while taking care of yourself!

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I hope you enjoyed these tips on getting back into sport after summer and staying consistent and found them useful. Comment down below what you think of getting back to the gym after summer. <Do you stop working out in the holidays? If yes, share with us your own tips to ease back into working out after lazing out in the sun for weeks!

Looking foward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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