
Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy or mesotherapy on the scalp: a new solution to slow hair loss and stimulate regrowth.

Reminder on the factors favoring alopecia (hair loss).

On a daily basis, hair loss is a normal process that contributes to hair renewal.

Losing 50 to 150 hairs a day is normal. However, it happens that this hair loss is more important in certain circumstances such as stress or hormonal imbalance, there is also a hereditary factor.

When hair loss becomes abnormally important, we speak of alopecia.

The major factor in hair loss is that of heredity, we will speak of androgenetic alopecia. It affects more men than women because of the sensitization of the follicles to the action of testosterone and 5 alpha reductase, which leads to the fragility of the hair before its total disappearance.

On the hormonal level: it is not uncommon, at menopause or following childbirth, to observe significant hair loss in women.

Stress also disrupts the functioning of the follicle because of its disturbing action on the adrenal glands.


Initially, mesotherapy is a medical technique that Michel Pistor discovered in France in 1950. It consists of the injection of small doses of medication under the dermis near the area you want to treat.

Technique of micro-injections to stimulate the injection area.

Rather known in aesthetic medicine for firming the skin (mesolift or microneedling), mesotherapy is also a classic in hair loss. We are talking about a micro-injection technique.

With tiny needles, a cocktail of amino acids, antioxidants, minerals (zinc, copper) and vitamins is injected directly into the scalp. Virtually painless, the method helps to boost the vascularization of the hair follicle, while providing it with nutrients.

The advantage of mesotherapy: the substances injected act directly, without having to go through the digestive and blood pathways, as a medicine in tablet form would. It allows an additional mechanical action.

What is hair mesotherapy?

Hair mesotherapy is a solution that stimulates hair growth.

This technique consists of injecting different cocktails of vitamins into the dermis of the scalp to nourish the hair follicle in depth. The goal of this mesotherapy is to normalize hair loss and increase capillary density. The objective of mesotherapy at the level of the scalp is to stimulate the hair bulbs durably.

For this, a mixture of vitamins is used, which will allow to treat the hair while improving blood circulation and oxygenation of the scalp.

The vitamins are injected directly into the capillary dermis, so mesotherapy will have maximum effectiveness.

As a general rule, it takes 5 weeks of treatment to see a significant slowdown in hair loss and sometimes an increase in hair mass.

Hair mesotherapy also allows the hydration and nutrition of the hair, and also allows to regain shine and volume. Professional mesotherapy helps calm irritated scalps.

Hair mesotherapy can be done in a doctor’s office, it is the optimal solution, however you can also practice your mesotherapy sessions yourself at home, provided you have the right products and the technique!!

This solution is ideal and more economical.

What are the indications?

Hair mesotherapy is a solution offered to both men and women whose hair needs to be stimulated.

It is particularly indicated in the following cases:

  • fine and dull hair
  • early localized or diffuse hair loss
  • androgenetic fall

What are the results ?

  • slowing hair loss
  • an increase in hair diameter
  • denser hair in the best cases

Possible contraindications:

These are rare but there are contraindications to a mesotherapy session to fight against hair loss:

  • infectious scalp lesions
  • shingles
  • allergies to any of the injected components

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I hope you enjoyed this blog post about hair mesotherapy and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of this technique, or share with us your experience and results.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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