How To Lose Fat When Drying ?
Coming from the world of sport, cutting is a diet that targets fat loss. Discover how to lose fat when drying as well as all the good reflexes to adopt and the mistakes to avoid to shape your figure.
What is drying?
Drying or cutting is a specific phase of bodybuilding preparation. The goal is to lose fat while maintaining your muscle mass. This allows you to define your muscles and make them more prominent. This diet based on the principle of calorie deficit has been adopted by many other sports disciplines as well as people wishing to shape their figure. During a cut, you consume fewer calories than you burn. Your body is therefore forced to draw on its fat reserves to obtain energy. It is therefore important to combine these new eating habits with a complete workout.
Drying pitfalls to avoid
Muscle loss is the main pitfall to avoid during the cut. It is therefore essential to continue your training during this period. Resistance training sessions combined with cardio will help you create a calorie deficit. Don’t worry if the weight displayed on your scale slowly decreases because muscle is heavier than fat. On the other hand, your efforts should allow you to feel better in your clothes, to see your muscles take shape.
drying is a strict diet requiring a large intake of proteins that allow your body to have enough energy to function and maintain shape and vitality. In addition, consuming enough proteins is also the guarantee of maintaining your muscle mass more easily. If you do not consume enough proteins, you risk getting tired and then returning to your old diet much more quickly: beware of the yo-yo effect. Remember that cutting is not the only way to lose fat. This demanding method can be discouraging. To lose weight, always start by rebalancing your diet accompanied by sport. Only switch to cutting when physical activity is a lasting part of your habits.
How To Lose Fat When Drying : Foods to avoid to lose fat
To set up an effective fat loss system, there are certain foods to avoid or even eliminate. During your drying diet, stay away from:
- Processed foods full of added sugars, trans fats (or hydrogenated) but also salt.
- Fast food dishes rich in empty calories but also in saturated fats. Hamburgers, kebabs and burritos to nibble on the go, it’s over!
- Sugary drinks because to store the excess carbohydrate, your body transforms it into fat!
- Pastries or sweets because they contain a lot of refined sugars and/or fats.
- Alcohol because it is very high in calories and increases fat storage.
- Fried foods because… You don’t need an explanation for that.
- Refined cereals with a lot of empty calories.
- Foods rich in saturated fats like red meat or cheese.
How To Lose Fat When Drying: Top foods good for cutting
A cutting diet includes a lot of protein, vegetables and starchy foods with a low glycemic index. To lose fat while maintaining your muscles, add the following foods to your menu:
- Skinless white meat such as chicken or turkey to stock up on protein while limiting fat intake.
- Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel or tuna) to add omega-3 to your diet, fatty acids that promote the feeling of satiety but also fat loss.
- Egg whites rich in quality protein but low in fat and calories.
- Green leafy vegetables to provide fiber that reinforces the feeling of satiety while facilitating digestion. They are also very low in calories.
- Legumes and whole grains for an intake of easily assimilated vegetable proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates.
- Oats for energy while avoiding blood sugar spikes.
- Dairy products such as low-fat yogurts or cottage cheese. They will provide you with protein but also probiotics essential for the health of the intestinal microbiota.
- Nuts and seeds combining protein and healthy fats for your snacks.
- Low-glycemic fruits (apples, berries, pears) to eat before or after training.
Drying is a real challenge, but with the right eating habits and a complete workout, you can achieve your goals. Throughout your cutting, several delicious recipes are at your disposal online to add some deliciousness to your plates while respecting the principle of calorie deficit.
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I hope you now know how to lose fat when drying. Comment down below what you think of the information listed above. Do you agree? Or better yet, share with us your tips to smoothly reach our goals on our fitness journey!
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