
How To Recognize And Treat Anxiety ?

How to recognize and treat anxiety

If you suffer from panic attacks or ocd and are wondering how to recognize and treat anxiety ? the answer can be found in several innovative solutions, such as e-therapy via mobile applications, which can be used to treat anxiety disorders.

What is an anxiety disorder?

Different from transient fear and anxiety, anxiety disorders are characterized by the constant repetition and manifestation of anxiety. The signs settle over a long period of time and manifest themselves without necessarily having any connection with real threats or potential danger.

These disorders generate physical and mental suffering that handicaps the subject on a daily basis. Chronic, they manifest themselves through various signs. The precise origin of an anxiety disorder can be difficult to detect. However, several factors can favor the onset of symptoms.

This is, for example, a traumatic event, alcohol consumption or psychiatric problems. In addition to drug treatments, anxiety disorders can be treated through non-drug management. As part of cognitive therapy, patients suffering from this pathology can benefit from daily and anonymous support such as that offered by Mosaik.

How does anxiety manifest?

Anxiety disorders can manifest in different ways. In some patients, it may be generalized anxiety. Headaches, muscle aches, fatigue or insomnia are the physical symptoms associated with this pathology. They can be associated with a permanent, almost uncontrollable state of worry that lasts for several months.

Anxiety disorders can also be linked to panic, more specifically repetitive panic attacks.

Social phobia is also an anxiety disorder. This form of chronic anxiety results in fear of the gaze of others, competitive situations or the judgments of others. It can also be associated with specific phobia, which is the intense fear of an object, an animal or a situation.

Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD is also one of the common anxiety disorders. It manifests itself either through obsessions about contamination, for example, or through compulsions.

What are the possible treatments for anxiety disorders?

Drug treatments are prescribed by specialists to treat anxiety disorders. These diseases can also be managed with non-drug approaches. These are relaxation, behavioral therapies or cognitive therapies.

With the evolution of the digital world, mobile applications have emerged to overcome anxiety disorders. The apps are similar to a self-help and support group for people with chronic anxiety. Each user can express themselves anonymously and in complete confidentiality. Therapeutic tools, exercises and objectives to be achieved are proposed.

If you suffer from anxiety, please make sure to speak to a professional.

For more content on mindfulness click here.

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