Linden Flower Against Insomnia

Rich in flavonoids, the infusion of linden flowers promotes calming and falling asleep. It acts on insomnia and sleep disorders. Let’s discover the linden flower against insomnia effect.
The Linden flower
With small or large leaves, the lime tree is an interesting tree in herbal medicine. Its indications vary according to the part of the plant used. Either the flowers, bud or sapwood (part located between the heart and the bark). To sleep better, choose linden flowers, more precisely the flowers and their bracts (a kind of wing-shaped leaf stuck to the flower).
They contain flavonoids and an active ingredient, farnesol, which is responsible for a large part of their properties. Indeed, this compound binds to the receptors for benzodiazepines present in the brain, the same receptors that are targeted by drugs or anxiolytic substances, minus the side effects!
The inflorescences are therefore soothing, tranquilizing. They make it easier to fall asleep.
An infusion of linden flowers before bedtime
To promote calming and falling asleep, linden flowers are infused. Put a large pinch, i.e. 5 to 6 flowers, in a large bowl of simmering water. Leave to infuse for fifteen minutes, keep the container closed so as not to let the volatile essential oils escape, and filte. To drink half an hour before bedtime, and without precaution of use.
Linden flowers keep all their qualities for a year if they are locked in a metal box away from light, heat and air.
Linden buds for the sleep of the youngest
To make it easier for the youngest to fall asleep, it is better to rely on the bud, ideally the Dutch linden Tilia tomentosa. You can detach the slightly sticky buds before the first leaves appear, when they are full of embryonic cells rich in plant growth hormones, gibberellins.
These tranquilizing effects, inducing sleep, are obtained with one drop of bud extract per kilo of weight of the child from 30 months, in an herbal tea or in water. And zero contraindications always.
Before consumption, you can consult a herbalist or your general practitioner.
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I hope you enjoyed this overview of the benefits of the linden flower on sleep and found it useful. Comment down below what you think, have you ever tried it, or share with us what you know about it.
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