
Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage

Unknown to the general public, the lymphatic drainage method has existed since 1936. The benefits of this massage are well established.

Lymph is a liquid that circulates throughout the body through a network of small vessels parallel to the blood system: the lymphatic system. The primary role of the lymph is to transport waste products that need to be eliminated from the body. In addition, the lymphatic system plays a major role in the immune system. Many white blood cells circulate in the lymph; and the lymph nodes, distributed along the network, trap and destroy microbes.

Lymphatic drainage: why is it sometimes necessary?

Although the lymphatic system is closely related to the blood system, there is a major difference between them: the blood circulates thanks to a pump, our heart, when the lymph has none. Without a pump, how can the lymph free itself from the effect of gravity and circulate throughout the body? Mainly thanks to the contraction of our muscles, and the pulsation in the blood network. Thus, in immobilized or sedentary people, the lymphatic circulation is not favored and the lymph accumulates in the lower limbs. In this case, manual or mechanical lymphatic drainage can simulate a pump effect to restart the circulation of the lymph.

What is lymphatic drainage? Lymphatic drainage, whether performed manually or using a device, is based on two principles. It is first necessary to create a call of the lymph, on the same principle as the call of air, to make the liquid go up to the top of the body, by applying pressure variations to various places of the lymphatic system. Then, to stimulate circulation throughout the lymphatic network, gentle, long and regular massages are performed in the direction of the circulation.

The aesthetic effects of lymphatic drainage

The fight against cellulite, here is the best known indication of lymphatic drainage. Whether the cellulite is watery or fatty, the drainage helps to unclog the cells and eliminate their content through the lymphatic system. By improving venous and lymphatic circulation, dimples see their size gradually reduce. It can also relieve the phenomenon of “pole legs” in people suffering from mild water retention.

A less obvious effect of lymphatic drainage is to help improve wound healing. As toxins are better eliminated, cell function is optimized and cells can regenerate more easily. On the same principle, results can be observed on stretch marks.

The therapeutic effects of lymphatic drainage

Initially, lymphatic drainage was created for its therapeutic and not aesthetic effects. The main medical indication remains the relief of edema. An edema is an accumulation of lymph in an area of ​​the body. The realization of a drainage therefore makes it possible to evacuate this excess of lymph to relieve the oedema. The use of this method can follow a surgical operation, an injury (strain or sprain for example)…

Breast cancer is a particular indication for lymphatic drainage. Indeed, the removal of the breast requires the removal of many lymph nodes present in this area. Part of the network is then destroyed which causes swelling of the arms by accumulation of lymph. Although lymphatic drainage does not permanently treat this symptom, its usefulness is proven in combination with other types of treatment.

Can we do it at home?

Carried out by a physiotherapist, lymphatic drainage remains a professional gesture

In the event of a slimming objective, you can bet on other techniques to get rid of your stubborn cellulite:

  • The suction cups. Used since Antiquity in traditional Chinese medicine, cupping reactivates the circulation of liquids (blood, lymph, etc.) in targeted areas (saddlebags, cellulite on the thighs, etc.), which allows the destruction of stubborn fat. and elimination of toxins.
  • The palpate-roll. Flagship anti-cellulite technique, palpate-rolling is a gesture that accentuates lipolysis, that is to say the burning of fat in the body. It can be done manually (ideally: with a slimming massage oil with essential oils)

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