Mistakes To Avoid For Curly Hair

Don’t worry, we’ve all made one of them! Discover the main mistakes to avoid to not mistreat your curls and keep pretty curly, frizzy or kinky hair. Here are the mistakes to avoid for curly hair!
Mistakes To Avoid For Curly Hair
Taming your curly hair is not easy and can quickly become a headache. Here are the mistakes to avoid to be worthy of your mane!
–Not knowing your curl type
Let’s start at the beginning! Any self-respecting curly girl must know her hair type. Some time ago, an American hairdresser made a classification to make our task easier. From the finest to the thickest, from the straightest to the curlyest… There are as many types of hair as there are humans. Knowing the nature of your mane is a crucial step because it allows you to target the care to better maintain your hair.
A shampoo, even with a clean and natural composition, tends to dry out the hair. When your hair is curly, it is naturally drier than others. So, one shampoo per week is enough. But since it is difficult to keep your curls well defined for more than three days, two options are available to us to freshen up your hair between two shampoos: co-wash (washing with conditioner) or a spritz of water all over your mane, to be combined with a dab of curling cream.
–Dry brushing your hair
Who has not been traumatized by dry brushing their curly hair as a child? Not only is it bad for the hair because it breaks and gets damaged, but it is also an unspeakable torture! The best way to detangle your hair is to do it in the shower, using conditioner and a soft-bristled brush, and going from the bottom to the top and not the other way around.
–Using heating tools
It’s no secret. The worst enemies of curls are curling irons and straighteners that go up to too high a temperature. Once your hair is washed, gently wring it out with a microfiber towel or a cotton t-shirt, before applying a styling cream or gel. Depending on your hair type, work the curls with your fingers (the finger coiling method) or with a wide-toothed comb. To get sexy curls, don’t forget to scrunch all of your hair before drying it with a diffuser.
–Overuse products
Less is more! Your hair doesn’t need a ton of products to be healthy. Go easy on the care so as not to weigh down your hair and make it sticky, greasy and foamy. Once washed, your hair only needs a dab or two of product to be styled.
-Chemical coloring
Even worse than heating appliances, chemical coloring! They attack the internal structure of the hair and damage it deeply. However, many of us dream of a pretty golden blonde in summer… With good hair preparation beforehand, very fine strands, and high-quality coloring products, it is possible to opt for chemical with less harm. On condition that you use and abuse post-coloring care. Another possibility: plant-based coloring! But don’t expect a radical color change…
Not cutting your split ends
To maintain your curls, it is essential to cut the ends regularly, preferably dry. This prevents the split ends from rising into the hair and therefore damaging it further.
–Confusing hydration and nutrition
We tend to believe that oils moisturize… Wrong! We talk about hydration when we use water-based products like flaxseed gel, aloe vera, or glycerin. To nourish your hair, we opt for an oil, butter, or proteins. Both are essential for curly hair, depending on your needs.
–Sleeping without protecting your hair
Going to bed with your hair down is taking the risk of having a face that would scare your partner away the next day when you wake up. In addition to mistreating your hair. Before going to bed, tie your hair in a pineapple bun and opt for a silk satin bonnet and, ideally, a satin pillowcase as well. Okay, it’s not sexier… But it allows you to keep pretty curls when you wake up.
–Wanting to have perfect curls at all costs
Let’s not kid ourselves, even with all this advice, it is rare to have perfect curls that last until the next wash. Curly hair is by definition rebellious, untamable. This is both their strength and their beauty. So let’s accept them as they are and stop seeking perfection at all costs!
For more hair care tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed thisselection of mistakes to avoid for curly hair and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of these tips, or share with us your own curly hair care routine!
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!