Natural Anti-Stress Methods To Stay Zen

Be zen, stay zen; what are the natural anti-stress methods to stay zen? Let’s discover together all the secrets to staying calm.
Staying calm
We aspire to find our serenity and be zen even though we are constantly under stress. We experience the feeling of being overwhelmed, overworked, under pressure at work and sometimes at home, attacked by noise, pollution, news that spouts disasters and bad news all day long… To ensure our well-being, we must learn to ignore all these daily aggressions. Which are so many reasons to succumb to depression and discouragement.
Let’s get into the habit of not letting ourselves be overcome by negative thoughts. Let’s relearn how to remain zen in all circumstances. There are techniques for this purpose, such as that of the “signal gesture”.
This is a technique in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) or in sophology to deal with stressful or unpleasant situations. You can actually use this gesture as an anchor point. It’s about linking an internal reaction to an external gesture. Take the example of anger (internal reaction) and clenching your fists to control your anger (external gesture). Clenching your fists is the signal gesture. The goal, in fact, is to choose a positive feeling or situation and associate it with a simple gesture. We will use this simple gesture every time we face a difficult or stressful moment to trigger a feeling of calm and well-being.
Organizing and carving out time for yourself and with those you love, eliminating negative and toxic thoughts that act like poisons, not devaluing yourself, these are the right attitudes to be zen. We can diffuse essential oils in living rooms for an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and exchange. Adopt a positive attitude, meditate and indulge in yoga. Also, set up a Feng Shui space, relax as soon as possible, surround ourselves with things that we love and that soothe us. Discover all the secrets to staying calm.
Natural anti-stress methods to stay Zen
– essential oils
When you want to do everything you can to be zen, you can use essential oils. They are natural solutions to treat physical ailments (pain or infections). But they can also act on an emotional level to calm nervousness, fight against insomnia, relieve anxiety and tension…
A few drops of essential oils diffused in the air that you breathe. Inhaled, applied to the skin or administered orally. This will allow you to benefit from their relaxing and soothing properties and will help to effectively combat stress. You can mix several essential oils to benefit from their complementary properties. For example, against depression, you can combine 1 drop of true lavender with 1 drop of chamomile, a drop of Ylang Ylang and 1 teaspoon of avocado oil to apply to the inside of the wrists or the solar plexus. .
The use of essential oils helps us overcome difficult situations. Whether it is temporary fatigue or insomnia, emotional shock such as bereavement, stress, anxiety or depression.
Among the techniques that help you stay calm and recharge your body and mind, you can rely on the practice of yoga and meditation.
Yoga was born in India thousands of years ago. It is based on physical and breathing exercises and a mental practice, meditation. The desired goal is to maintain good health and maintain a feeling of well-being and general relaxation of the body and mind.
Physical and breathing exercises allow you to find calm and serenity. They will also help you let go and free your body and mind from tensions to better manage stress, anxiety and insomnia. These exercises provide physical benefits: they tone the muscles, strengthen and soften the body and spine. And they are also beneficial on a mental level.
Yoga associated with relaxation and meditation, act positively because they allow better mental enlightenment. They also teach us to relax, to refocus, to be zen, to discard and eliminate negative and parasitic thoughts or emotions to give way to the joy of living and open-mindedness.
Yoga is a moment for yourself. You can practice it individually and it is a little break to offer yourself for a little relaxation and serenity.
Yoga improves our breathing capacity. Practicing exercises teaches us to breathe calmly and deeply and we can apply them in stressful situations.
Yoga helps build self-confidence. By practicing the exercises regularly, we gradually succeed in doing them better and better. This progress makes us proud and more self-confident.
Certain yoga exercises improve our concentration. Balance exercises in particular require us to focus all our attention on the posture we are performing. Otherwise we risk being off balance, falling and hurting ourselves. By practicing these exercises, our ability to concentrate develops and is facilitated.
–Feng shui
We all dream of a haven of peace where we can be zen and in harmony with ourselves and what surrounds us… This dream is made possible if we apply the principles of Feng Shui. An ancestral Chinese discipline, to home and office design. These principles are based on the complementarity of yin and yang, on the theory of the 5 elements and the free circulation of Chi. Feng Shui considers that the environment influences the destiny of the inhabitants of a house. Feng Shui combines common sense and divination and tradition. It aims to optimize the layout of each room in the house to bring maximum well-being and attract prosperity.
In Feng Shui, everything is based on the free circulation of Chi (energy flows). A Feng Shui layout takes into account the arrangement of furniture, the choice of elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water), shapes, colors, materials, lighting, plants… A Feng Shui house responds to a whole symbolism, it must be tidy so that positive energies can circulate freely, the living room must be welcoming and conducive to exchanges, the atmosphere of the room will be cozy and soothing for sleeping peacefully, the kitchen will be organized and friendly for help to stay zen
Finally, listen to your body, watch your bad habits, take care of your meals, exercise, slow down the use of screens and above all, and don’t dare to seek the advice of a professional if you are not feeling well!
For more mindfulness tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed these Natural anti-stress methods to stay Zen and found them useful. And you, what are your tips for not letting stress overtake your life and staying calm? Tell us everything in the comments, we’re waiting for your tips!
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!