Natural Recipes For Your Pre-wedding Beauty Treatments

Sometimes it is good to look back to find solutions in the present moment. Regarding your beauty routine as the wedding approaches, there’s nothing like traditional and natural recipes to pamper yourself. Here are a few natural recipes for your pre-wedding beauty treatments.
natural recipes for your pre-wedding beauty treatments
The big day is coming soon. You know that on this unique day all eyes will be on you. You and your companion will be the main protagonists of this reception. It is therefore legitimate that you want to look your best.
As the big day approaches, do you want perfect wedding makeup that will withstand the different stages of your event and last until the wedding festivities at the end of the evening? With a little luck you were able to get valuable advice from your grandmother for caring for your face, your body or even your hair. So before thinking about make-up, hairstyle or bridal bouquet, here is a special facial natural recipes just for you.
– Facial natural recipes to prepare your skin for your big day
To prepare your skin for beautiful natural bridal makeup, the key is, above all, hydration. Masks deeply nourish the skin and it is useful to make one per week as the big day approaches. Make your own pink clay mask using 2 tbsp. of pink clay, 3 tbsp. teaspoon of organic yogurt, ½ tsp. teaspoon of jojoba oil and 1 drop of Palmarosa essential oil.
Are you having trouble sleeping at the moment? Do you have dark circles? Do not panic. Apply cucumber slices to your eyes to moisturize and promote collagen production. You can also apply cold water compresses for a few minutes to stimulate blood circulation. If your dark circles are dark, you can lighten them with a little lemon that you squeeze on makeup remover pads to place on your dark circles every evening. No matter your wedding makeup, you are sure to dazzle them all.
For perfectly hydrated lips, think about honey (a thin layer on the lips for 15 minutes) or vegetable oils such as coconut, olive or avocado oil (a few drops to place on the finger before applying it). apply to your lips).
For more skin care tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed these natural recipes for your pre-wedding beauty treatments and found them useful. Comment down below if you have ever tried one of the recipes listed above , or share with us your own recipes or rituals to help the future brides prepare for their big day.
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!