Organise Your Kitchen In 5 Steps

Do you want to tidy up your kitchen but don’t know where to start? The kitchen is indeed one of the rooms that can be the most complicated to tidy up, so follow this how to organise your kitchen in 5 steps guide for an efficient tidy kitchen!

Aim for a more minimalist kitchen

Minimalism is a true way of life which consists of getting rid of what is not essential to us. Apply it to your kitchen (and every room in the house!) for easier storage afterwards. For example, if your kitchen is full of utensils, the work surface is cluttered with dishes, or the cabinet below your sink is full of dish towels: you need to act.

Please note: a minimalist kitchen does not mean having a perfectly ordered and cleaned kitchen like in a catalog, but rather having a place in which you feel good and which makes you want to cook. If so, then great!

Declutter the unnecessary

You will need to spend some time on this, but it is an absolutely crucial step for more efficient kitchen tidying. Schedule a time in your day (around 2 to 4 hours) to empty everything: pantry, shelves and kitchen drawers. Then, collect everything on your work surface, and sort: the objects into categories.

  • Cooking and household appliances: see what is useful or not, what you use most often and what is gathering dust in the bottom of your drawer.
  • Kitchen utensils: continue with the dishes, utensils, cups that you use every day versus those that you never use.
  • Food: finish by decluttering the food in your fridge: take out everything, everything, everything to start reorganizing.

Sort more efficiently

To avoid wasting time and ending up keeping too many things that you don’t use, set a time limit for this step. For example, 30 minutes to sort appliances/dishes. This way, your first choices will more often be your most essential.

Ask yourself the right questions for effective sorting:

  • Which pans do I use most often?
  • How many times have I used my cake pans?
  • Do I really need this second complete set of dinnerware?

Clean from top to bottom

Having emptied your kitchen cabinets gives you a golden opportunity to do a major cleaning from top to bottom! Always start with the top shelves: first, dust everything, clean with a soapy sponge, rinse and wipe with a cloth to dry.

Next, we tackle the microwave, which is often soiled by splashes from the dishes we put in it. The oven is also important to wash, since we use it so often!

Clean the work surface, the sink, then the trash can, which is too often neglected. Don’t forget to dry everything with a clean cloth. Finally, finish with the floor!

Final tidying up

After your sorting and then your kitchen cleaning is finished, you still have the crucial step of final tidying up. And thatโ€™s where it all comes down to keeping your kitchen organized afterwards! You therefore advise need to prepare well by purchasing products and accessories that will make organizing your kitchen easier.

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I hope you enjoyed this guide to organise your kitchen in 5 steps and found it useful. Comment down below what you think, do you agree? Or share with us your own steps to a spotless kitchen!

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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