
Rhodiola Rosea Virtues

Rhodiola Rosea Virtues

Thanks to its balancing, antioxidant and adaptogenic properties, Rhodiola Rosea has many toning, fortifying and energizing benefits. It promotes resistance to stress and fatigue, improves brain capacity and acts on concentration. So what are the main Rhodiola Rosea virtues? keep reading.

what is Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola (R. rosea) is an adaptogen, a herb that helps protect cells from oxidative damage caused by environmental and chemical stressors. As adaptogens grow in harsh climatic conditions and need to protect against such environmental extremes, they are very strong plants. Rhodiola, for example, grows at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level, where the concentration of oxygen is low and temperatures are cold.

Rhodiola, also known as “arctic root” and “golden root”, has many apparent health benefits. Herbalists in Russia have been using it for years, Asia and parts of Europe for hundreds of years. Rhodiola can help protect the cardiovascular system while possessing anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, energy-enhancing and of memory.

This hardy herb, which takes five to eight years to mature, is rich in rosavins, salidrosides and flavonoids. Rhodiola’s mechanism of action includes normalizing levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increasing nitric oxide (NO), a chemical that relaxes the arteries and that the body makes naturally.

What effects does Rhodiola have on the body?

From its scientific name Rhodiola Rosea, Rhodiola or rhodiole is a perennial plant of the Crassulaceae family. Its name, taken from the Greek “rhodios” which means rose, comes from the pleasant smell that emerges from its roots and is reminiscent of that of the rose. It is also in this part of the plant where all its active ingredients and which make it a plant with incredible medicinal properties.

Like fenugreek or ashwagandha, rhodiola rosea is a very popular medicinal plant. With more than 300 studies, it is famous for its many properties. Its root contains many active ingredients, including rosavine and salidroside. Thanks to this exceptional composition, rhodiola is therefore a plant with multiple miraculous virtues.

The main effects of rhodiola on the body are:

  • an antioxidant effect for cell protection,
  • improved physical performance in terms of resistance and endurance,
  • improved brain performance in terms of memory and concentration,
  • associated with saffron, it helps emotional stability: reduction of mental stress and contribution to positive mood.

what are the main Rhodiola Rosea virtues?

Rhodiola has many benefits. It can be useful for people suffering from chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Here are some of its benefits.

a plant antioxidant for cell protection

Particularly rich in antioxidants, rhodiola is a valuable ally in protecting cells from free radicals and toxins and helps prevent premature aging. Like curcumin, this antioxidant can be of great support for the body when the immune defenses drop.

As a powerful northern plant, people living in the northern mountains have used Rhodiola rosea to combat the lack of oxygen in these areas. It acts on the functions of the circulatory system, in particular on the oxygen supply in the blood.

helps brain function

Rhodiola rosea is one of the few plants in the world to be called an adaptogen. It increases the body’s ability to adapt and resist different forms of stress, physical or mental, thanks to its active components. Numerous scientific studies highlight this adoptogenic virtues. In 2000, Armenian researchers conducted a placebo study of 56 doctors who had to work long hours at night. Consuming 170 mg per day of rhodiola allowed them to maintain increased cognitive performance despite fatigue and stress.

That same year, Russian scientists also carried out a study on 61 students during final exams. For 20 days, a group of students took a Rhodiola extract of 100 mg per day. For the group as a whole, there was a considerable improvement in well-being as well as a reduction in fatigue. They even had better grades than the placebo group.

Rhodiola rosea is famous for its fortifying and toning qualities. It has been used for centuries to increase endurance and physical performance. But it is also effective in bringing mental and emotional well-being. Rhodiola rosea thus increases cognitive abilities, including memory, concentration and attention. It contributes to optimal intellectual and cognitive activity.

Relieves fatigue

The feeling of fatigue is a frequent reason for consultation with the doctor. There are many possible causes, including anemia, thyroid disorders, and depression, to name a few. If no specific reason is found, Rhodiola may be an option. A 2009 study published in Planta Medica concluded that the use of Rhodiola has an anti-fatigue effect.

Improves Physical Endurance

Athletes at all competitive levels frequently seek ways to improve their endurance. Rhodiola could be beneficial to them. A 2009 study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine concluded that “the combined herbal supplement of Rhodiola and Gingko may improve endurance performance by increasing oxygen consumption and protecting against fatigue.”

Reduces anxiety and depression

Millions of people around the world are affected by symptoms of anxiety and depression. Rhodiola could be an effective treatment for people suffering from depression.

Danger and Precautions for use of Rhodiola

To be able to take full advantage of the medicinal properties of rhodiola rosea, it is important to use it with caution. Like all medicinal plants, it is not without danger. Some precautions must therefore be taken into account before its use.

The main precaution to take when using rhodiola rosea as a herbal medicine is to stick to the recommended daily dose.

Food supplements should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle and not be used as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of young children. Use in pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and people on antidepressants is not recommended.

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