Sleep, The Key To Your Well-Being

” Sleep, The Key To Your Well-Being “, which can explain the expression “Got up on the wrong side of the bed”, which designates waking up in a bad mood as soon as they wake up. What if this person at least knew that this feeling of unease is due to the fact that they could not “sleep soundly”? That is to say, they were not able to enjoy a good restful sleep.
Indeed, sleep is essential to our physical and mental health as well as our emotional balance. So, to feel happy and in great shape, let’s start by taking care of our nights.
A good night for a better day!
Doctors constantly remind us that we need to sleep an average of 7 to 8 hours a day. Lack of sleep can lower alertness, decrease productivity, cause memory to falter and loss of concentration.
The subject may experience fatigue, aches in the shoulders, headaches, and is more vulnerable to diseases. Lack of sleep also increases the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. But what about “little sleepers”, those who sleep 5 to 6 hours a night without experiencing the slightest problem?
To understand, we must remember that a night’s sleep is made up of 4 to 6 cycles of 90 to 100 minutes each. Each cycle is divided into 3 phases (slow sleep, deep sleep and paradoxical sleep). So there are people who can sleep for only 6 hours, there are others who can sleep for 10 hours.
In practice, the individual enjoys good sleep when the cycles are undisturbed, regardless of their duration. A bad night is when sleep is disturbed, or when it is cut short of its usual length. Insomnia of psychological origin (anxiety, stress, etc.) and insomnia of extrinsic origin (inappropriate work environment, noise, presence of mosquitoes, etc.) are the causes of sleep disorders that harm health and well-being.
How to sleep well at night?
Extending the duration of sleep is therefore not the most recommended solution. Moreover, sleeping more than usual can disrupt the circadian cycle. To improve the quality of sleep, you must know the sleep cycle and respect it.
To do this, you have to ask yourself two questions:
- At what time do you start getting sleepy?
- What time do you wake up in the morning without feeling tired and sleepy during the day?
Once you have determined your normal sleep duration, you need to create the right environment so that you can sleep undisturbed during regular hours. Here’s what to do:
- Start by adopting a healthy lifestyle: avoid drugs and alcohol as well as stimulants, practice regular physical exercise, eat balanced meals.
- Improve the atmosphere of the room: the room must be well ventilated, favor an ambient temperature, avoid exposure to light (the room must remain dark), also soundproof it.
- The bedding should promote sleep: favor high-end or even mid-range mattresses, shape memory pillows, sheets and duvets that are hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch.
- Use natural products such as organic valerian, yellow poppy, hops, before bedtime.
- If you are sensitive to noise and light, use a sleeping mask and a pair of boulquies.
- Get rid of insects: drive away mosquitoes, bed bugs and dust mites.
Finally, to sleep well and feel rested, it is necessary to listen to your body and accept that sometimes you have to change your habits to be healthier and more productive.
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