Taking Care Of Your Skin During Summer
The skin adapts to the seasons. During the summer period, it is subject to a whole host of disturbances: the sun, the sand, the sea, the swimming pool or even the air conditioning. It is then weakened and requires some attention. Here are all the tips you need for taking care of your skin during summer!
taking care of your skin during summer
In summer, the skin tends to change texture because the sebum it produces is more fluid than the rest of the year.
This is why dry skin becomes more comfortable and combination skin tends to become oily.
The heat, the fluid sebum and the perspiration lead us to believe that the skin does not need to be hydrated, but this is only an impression! It needs hydration just as much. This is why in this season it is essential to drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day, and to use products that also contain water.
Which textures to use for hydration of your skin in summer?
It is preferable to use products with light textures and to avoid, for example, very rich creams which could prevent the skin from breathing and evacuating what needs to be properly.
For combination and oily skin, it is better to use products in gels and aqueous serums.
For dry skin, it is better to use light creams and balms to moisturize your skin.
You can also, to hydrate the skin but also cool off, spray thermal water on your face.
Why Moisturise your skin?
It is important to continue to moisturize the skin in this way even after the period of exposure to the sun or strong heat because it is the best way to return from your vacation with a dull complexion a few days later.
During this season, hydration being essential, it is important to make masks whose main active ingredients are rehydrating.
An avocado-based mask to limit tightness, an aloe vera mask to soothe burns, a sweet almond mask to relieve irritated skin… In short, there is a mask for each of our needs. , you just have to choose the right one! It is also good to offer your skin revitalizing and regenerating masks to avoid a dull complexion.
Sebum-regulating masks help fight shine. They are often rich in zinc, copper and vitamin C.
How to cleanse your skin in summer?
Hydration is essential but so is cleansing! The high production of sebum facilitates the attachment of unwanted impurities to the skin.
It is important to cleanse your skin by carrying out an exfoliating scrub, not too aggressive because the skin is already weakened and the goal is not to irritate the skin more. You should also not do this too often, about once a week.
It is still necessary to carry out daily cleansing, with a gentle cleanser, the skin is more sensitive and the natural hydration of the skin that our body offers us risks being altered if it is too violent.
You have to take advantage of the summer to rinse your face with cold water, it allows the skin to regain its radiance.
Take care of your skin in summer: sun protection
Protection is also an essential step in taking care of your skin in summer.
You must first protect your skin with sun creams or sprays with the appropriate index. You have to apply these protections as soon as you are going to be in contact for a certain time in the sun, it is not only on the beach for tanning. Sunburns don’t just happen on the sand! After-sun creams can also be very useful to make the protection last.
Before going on vacation, take precautions and get your skin used to staying exposed to the sun gradually. Brutal exposure increases the risk of dehydration and burns.
Other ways to take care of your skin during the summer season
Protecting your skin from insect bites that return in summer with the help of lavender, sage, geranium or lemongrass also prevents the various inconveniences they could cause.
You can also take care of your skin through the foods you eat. Foods containing beta-carotene such as green vegetables, apricots, carrots and melons thanks to their antioxidant properties reduce the aging effect of the sun.
For very dry skin, it is also possible to use food supplements.
To keep beautiful skin during and after the summer, there are certain things that should be avoided.
- It is preferable not to remain exposed to the sun for too long, even with the skin protected by sunscreen for example. Although the sun is an ally for replenishing vitamin D, it can also be responsible for premature skin aging. It is also necessary not to expose yourself to the hours when the sun hits the hardest, it is guaranteed sunburn!
- It is also necessary to avoid alcohol-based products. They can cause dark spots on the body due to a reaction with the sun.
And now it’s your turn to have full glowy skin during this beautiful sun!
For more skin care content, click here.
I hope you now know all about taking care of your skin during summer. Comment down below what you think, do you agree, or share with us your own tips and techniques to add to our summer skin care routine.
Looking forward o reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!