
The Benefits Of Lemon Water

Refreshing and delicious, lemon water is a drink that we enjoy all year round. Beyond its delicious taste, it is also an ally of our health and well-being. What are the benefits of lemon water? How to prepare yours to get the most out of it? Let’s find out!

The Benefits Of Lemon Water

A small citrus fruit from Asia

Ah, lemon water. Its freshness, its taste, its acidity, its simplicity of preparationโ€ฆ And its effects on our well-being. Lemon water is our ally all year round!

Initially, a small oval fruit, sun-โ€‹colored, as dapper as a summer afternoon: the lemon. It is a citrus fruit that comes from the lemon tree, a shrub native to Asia. In the Middle Ages, the lemon progressed along the Silk Road, then the Arabs introduced it to North Africa and part of the Mediterranean basin. It was then the Crusaders who, having appreciated it in the Middle East, brought it back to Europe. This is why it was first called โ€œlimonโ€, after the Arabic-โ€‹Persian โ€œlimรปnโ€ (which we find today in โ€œlemonadeโ€).

Yellow lemon, lime

Yellow lemons weigh between 150 to 200g and have a thick, dark yellow, or even slightly orange, skin. As for limes, they are not unripe yellow lemons but different fruits, although genetically close. Smaller, rounder, with more or less juicy flesh and a fairly acidic taste, they are also called limes. Note that while these two citrus fruits share the same antioxidant and protective properties, lemon is richer in vitamin C.

Choose natural, homemade lemon juices

Today, lemon is a popular companion in our kitchens, where, from starter to dessert, it happily accompanies us everywhere โ€“ each French person consumes around 2.2 kilos per year on average.

The success has spread to our glasses, since lemon water is a classic all year round. Rightly so, because it is a real source of well-being, with many merits. Lemon is a low-calorie food (30 calories per 100 grams of fruit) but with high nutritional quality. Rich in potassium, magnesium, but also phosphorus, iron and copperโ€ฆ It is also an excellent source of vitamin C. So many virtues which explain the multiple well-being effects of lemon water.

Be careful, we are talking about squeezed lemon juice, at home, in a glass of water. Mixtures sold ready-made in stores do not have the same properties or the same qualities. On the one hand, they often include sweeteners to give a false sweet flavor; on the other hand, these drinks are heated to high temperatures to kill germs, thereby reducing certain nutritional qualities. In short, don’t buy bottled juice, and make your own lemon water: simple, healthy and delicious, it’s a great recipe with multiple benefits!

Here are some of its well-โ€‹being effects:

Eliminate toxins

Lemon water promotes digestion. Indeed, the small citrus fruit is rich in pectin, a plant substance which improves transit. In addition, lemon provides fiber.

In addition, lemon, despite its acidity, helps us rebalance the acid-โ€‹base balance (the famous pH) of our body, which protects our stomach. Finally, it stimulates the activity of the kidneys, improving the elimination of toxins.

All these reasons explain why lemon helps cleanse and boost our digestive system. With lemon water, less bloated stomach, more detoxโ€ฆ And well-being all day long!


Lemon water allows you to stock up on vitamins. The lemon is in fact particularly rich in vitamin C, because its thick peel prevents it from deteriorating. It was by taking lemons on board their ships during the Renaissance that long-distance sailors managed to protect themselves from scurvy.

On average, the small citrus fruit contains 51 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit โ€“ this is almost half of the daily needs of an adult according to nutritionists (110 mg/day). Pregnant or breastfeeding women have slightly higher vitamin C and fluid needs โ€“ all the more reason to enjoy lemon water.

Feeling youngโ€ฆ

Because it is full of vitamins and flavonoids, lemon has antioxidant properties. Flavonoids fight against free radicals, which are partly responsible for the premature aging of our cells. Drinking lemon juice regularly will help you feel healthyโ€ฆ and pretty)

Mirror, my beautiful mirror, tell me what I should drink? Vitamin C from lemon is also an amazing ally for your skin and the fight against aging. How ? By improving the quality of our collagen, a natural protein that ensures the elasticity and regeneration of our skin.

Feel good in your body

Lemon water is a great alternative, healthy and safe, and tasty, to sodas and industrial fruit juices, too rich in sugar. It can also act as an appetite suppressant thanks to lemon pectin; this fiber swells in the stomach and sends a message of satiety. Result: more taste, less desire to snack! The small citrus fruit can also replace sauces, because it gives flavor to all foods, from raw vegetables to vegetables and fish. And with only 30 calories per 100 grams of pulp, you can drink lemon water regularly, without depriving yourself.

An ally for sport

When you play sports, staying well hydrated is essential. The little tip for a successful workout? Drink lemon flavored water. It will help you eliminate lactic acid, therefore avoiding cramps and the feeling of muscle fatigue. Drink regularly, in small sips. And the day you want to beat your record, add a little honey to your lemon water, for a healthy cocktail full of energy.

Note that in certain situations, lemon is not recommended due to its acidity. This is particularly the case for people with a fragile stomach, an ulcer, gastric problems or esophageal reflux. In any case, avoid consuming it on an empty stomach. Contrary to popular belief, the morning, when you get out of bed, is not the best time to enjoy lemon juice. No worries, however, during the day and during meals.

How to prepare it?

Always favor untreated lemons or better yet, organic. Choose them with thin, shiny skin, not lumpy. They should be firm and heavy in the hand. You can then keep them for one or two weeks at room temperature, a little longer if you place them in the refrigerator. If you use the peel in your lemon water or to decorate your glass, wash it thoroughly.

To extract lemon juice quickly and while preserving the fibers, use a citrus press. Mix it in water at room temperature to preserve its qualities. And consume everything quickly, to take full advantage of the vitamins and maximize the benefits.

Above all, use filtered water: freed of its various residues, its limescale or its chlorine taste, it will be healthier and tastier. From the filter carafe to the under-sink filter, several possibilities exist to enjoy quality water โ€“ both on a daily basis and for your lemon water. Essential to enjoying this well-โ€‹being cocktail, sip after sip!

For more health content, click here.

I hope you enjoyed this overview the benefits of lemon water and found it useful. Comment down below what you think, are you a fan, or share with us your own tips to make the best and keep hydrated during hot times.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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