The Benefits Of Sophrology

Childbirth assistance, stress management, phobias, but also insomnia and depression, there is no shortage of indications for sophrology. This discipline, which uses physical and mental relaxation, allows you to discover yourself and can help you cope with life’s difficulties. Let’s zoom in on the benefits of sophrology!
What is sophrology?
Sophrology is a psychocorporeal alternative medicine technique based on the relationship between the body and the mind. It was invented by the neuropsychiatrist A. Caycedo. The practice of sophrology is based on a combination of relaxation, breathing and positive visualization techniques aimed at promoting well-being and reducing stress. The patient’s support is mainly based on the sophrologist’s voice.
What does sophrology treat?
Sophrology is a personal development tool that focuses on self-relationship and autonomy. As a result, it allows the patient to find and develop their own abilities: calm, better self-knowledge, well-being, self-confidence, harmony between the mind and the body, thanks to natural methods.
The benefits of sophrology
There are many areas of application for sophrology:
- relief of certain phobias;
- fight against insomnia;
- stress management;
- emotions and pain;
- strengthening concentration and memory capacity;
- fight against eating disorders;
- fight against certain addictions;
- support in certain difficult situations etc.
What do we do in sophrology? exercises for stress, sleep
In addition, it provides many benefits, promoting the improvement of the individual’s quality of life. It helps in particular to:
- Fight against lack of concentration and strengthen the ability to memorize, especially for the youngest
- Relieve and fight against pain: stomach ache, back pain, contractions during childbirth, etc.
- Better manage your emotions and everyday problems: accept a health problem, a chronic illness such as cancer and approach it with hindsight; support a patient during their medical treatment (chemotherapy, surgery); help to get through a change of situation (moving, separation, mourning)
- For expectant mothers to live the last months of pregnancy and to understand and prepare for childbirth with more serenity and confidence
- Regain quality sleep by fighting against insomnia and nightmares
- Better manage stress, especially when faced with a distressing event: interview, public speaking, exam, competition, competitions for artists and high-level athletes, childbirth, etc.
- Support the withdrawal of certain addictions (tobacco, drugs, etc.)
Why see a sophrologist?
The goal of the sophrologist is to contribute to the personal development of the individual, in particular by encouraging them to take a positive look at themselves, others and the world in order to approach the situations they are faced with more serenely.
How does a sophrology session take place? What are the techniques and methods used by the sophrologist?
First of all, sophrology sessions can be done individually or in a group.
A sophrology session takes place in several stages. First, the sophrologist establishes contact with the patient and reassures them. Secondly, the sophrologist explains the relaxation techniques that will be used during the session and the benefits they can bring. Generally speaking, sophrology sessions are carried out in a sitting or standing position, with the eyes closed. Then, the sophrologist invites the patient to relax completely and to perform exercises.
These deep breathing, muscle relaxation and dynamic relaxation by performing gentle movements. This provides pleasant bodily sensations to the patient. The end of the session consists of a time of exchange during which the sophrologist collects the patient’s impressions
The durations of the sessions are variable:
- From 45 min to 1 h individually,
- 2 h in group.
These sessions are spread over several weeks and can last up to a few months. However, sophrology sessions are complementary practices. Thus, they do not in any way exempt you from medical monitoring by your doctor or a specialist.
For more mindfulness tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed this overview of the benefits of sophrology and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of this therapy. Or share with us your experience if you have already tried it.
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!