
The Best Salts For Health

The salt shaker is certainly essential on your meal table, but did you know that not all salts are equal? Indeed, if too much sodium intake is bad for your health, certain types of salt are also more bad than others. To help you find your way, we present to you in this blog post, the best salts for health!

Whether we draw it from the sea or the earth, salt is necessary for the chemical balance of our body: its presence even contributes to the proper functioning of the brain. But as we constantly lose it through sweat, urine and tears, we must consume 5 g per day as an adult to replenish our reserves. The problem is that we absorb much more than that, often double, because of commercially very salty dishes, sauces and products. To limit the risk of cardiovascular accidents, we should therefore review our consumption by turning to healthier or more original salts, which will make us more aware of the act of salting, which has become too mechanical.

Nevertheless, sodium remains โ€œan essential nutrient necessary for the maintenance of plasma volume, acid-base balance, the transmission of nerve impulses and the normal functioning of cellsโ€. You must therefore find the right balance and above all, learn to choose it well.

So leave the refined salt in the cupboard and discover the best types of salt for your health!

Sodium chloride: beware of processed products

Sodium is found naturally in many foods such as milk, meat and shellfish. The concern is that it is often present in too large quantities in processed foods such as bread, processed meat, canned goods, snack products, as well as in certain condiments (soy or fish sauce, for example). . Indeed, manufacturers are crazy about this food additive which allows them to preserve food, but also to give more flavor to certain dishes, at low cost. Thus, โ€œaround 80% of salt in the diet comes from processed foodsโ€, underlines the WHO.

Salt consumption: the right reflexes to have

To avoid excess salt, it is recommended to:

  • limit your consumption of prepared meals and processed foods, particularly those from fast food, processed meats, canned soups, commercial salad dressings, packet sauces, condiments and salty snacks;
  • increase your consumption of fresh or frozen (unprocessed) fruits and vegetables;
  • in cooking, use spices and aromatic herbs to avoid being too light on the salt shaker.

The Best Salts For Health

Himalayan pink salt

This salt is harvested from mines in Pakistan. It is both an earth salt and a sea salt since these rock mines are located on the site of an ancient seabed. It has a lower sodium content than sea salt and contains a lot of minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium and fluoride.

Himalayan black salt

Very popular in Indian cuisine, this salt contains iron, magnesium and calcium. It also has an even lower sodium content than Himalayan pink salt.

The flower of salt

It is collected by hand on the surface of marine salt pans in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. It is hypotonic, which indicates that when consumed it does not cause water retention. Furthermore, it is also one of the salts that have a lower sodium chloride content.

Hawaiian red salt

This natural salt from the Pacific Ocean is unrefined and rich in minerals (potassium, magnesium and iron oxide), notably thanks to the red clay with which it is mixed at the time of harvest. Special feature: this salt has a nutty taste that does not disappear when cooked. It is also one of the salts lowest in sodium.

Persian blue salt

It is a fossil salt whose crystals were formed 100 million years ago and which owes its color to sylvinites, naturally occurring minerals. It is a salt rich in calcium, iron and potassium. In terms of cooking, it brings a slightly lemony taste.

Before consuming or adding any “super food” in large doses to your diet, do not hesitate to ask you doctor or a professional for advice.

For more health content and tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed this list of the best salts for health and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of this list. Would you add any other type of salt? Or share with us your experience or some delicious healthy recipes that we can try using the salt of choice!

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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