
The Ultimate Guide To Properly Remove Make Up

The Ultimate Guide To Properly Remove Make Up

How to take off make up well ? Here is the ultimate guide to properly remove make up and getting it right.

The make up routine is very important, but what about the makeup removal routine? It is common that, due to fatigue or laziness, many women choose to omit or reduce to the maximum of time and effort to properly remove their makeup. However, this is a serious mistake. Because removing makeup properly is more important than you think.

Keep reading for the ultimate guide to properly remove make up :

Why is it so important to remove makeup properly?

While it’s true that makeup products are increasingly rich in nutrients that benefit the face, they don’t have to stay on the skin forever. Every evening, it is essential to remove your make-up completely, but why?

During the makeup removal process, not only do you remove all makeup residue that is on the skin, but you also remove dirt, toxins, excess oil and dead skin that has accumulated all day on your skin. the face.

If you do not remove makeup from your face, the combination of these elements can clog pores and cause problems such as acne, lack of shine or premature skin aging. In this sense, removing makeup properly is the best way to maintain radiant, healthy and luminous skin.

How to take off make up well ?

Proper makeup removal is not as difficult as you think. And it can be summed up with the following steps.

Cleanse eyes and lips

It is first necessary to start with the eyes and lips, to do this it is better to use a suitable product for such a sensitive area. You don’t need to scrub too much, just gently glide the makeup remover over the area. Be sure to completely remove mascara and lipstick.

Cleanse the face

Now you can continue removing makeup from the rest of the face to remove powders and foundation. In this case, you can use micellar water, cleansing oil, cleansing foam, cleansing milk, etc. Gently massage the entire face and preferably apply and remove the product with a cotton ball.

Continue your Skincare routine. Indeed, removing make-up is not enough! After removing all the dirt from the face, apply moisturizers and special products to keep your skin healthy.

Which products to choose to remove make-up properly?

It is very important to choose the right beauty products to apply on your face. Choosing a product that does not meet your needs or your skin type can lead to serious problems on the epidermis.

For the eye area, you should choose an area-specific makeup remover. It cannot be aggressive because it could cause eye discomfort or irritation.

If you prefer a less oily but also valid and quality option, you have the choice of cleansing foam which is perfect for removing makeup and leaves an incredible feeling of freshness on the face. Whatever product you choose, remember that it must adapt to your skin type to prevent irritation, increased sebum production or the appearance of acne.

What to do after removing makeup?

Removing make-up is very important, but it is not the only decisive point. After removing make-up, move on to facial cleansing and then follow a routine that will allow you to take care of your skin and help it stay healthy.

You can create a Skincare routine and use products that contain vitamin C and vitamin A such as antioxidant serums, moisturizers, eye creams, etc. The idea is that the products adapt to you and contribute to the well-being of your face.

The best cleaning routine is one that removes dirt gently and without causing problems. Milk cleansers with fluid textures and always formulated with natural and eco-friendly active ingredients are the best option for cleansing the complexion.

What is the correct facial cleansing routine?

Once you have removed the cleansing lotion, you must move on to the cleansing phase with a very gentle product and then you can move on to the rinsing and toning phase. To do this, pour a bit of the cleansing lotion onto your cotton pad, spread it on the face and then dry it with a cloth or let it air dry. This procedure is called double cleansing. This consists of removing make-up before thoroughly cleansing the skin and ending with the application of facial care.

Is double facial cleansing so important?

It is essential, because it guarantees that all the impurities are well eliminated. It prepares the skin to receive and better absorb the care that will make it more beautiful day after day! To learn more about this technique, click here for a detailed article dedicated to it.

I hope you enjoyed this ultimate guide to properly remove make up and found it useful. Comment down below what you think, do you also follow these steps, or share with us your own tips and techniques.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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