
The Use And Benefits Of Nettle

Do you want to know more about the use and benefits of nettle on our health, on our skin and on our hair? That turns out well ! We have concocted for you, not a nettle soup, but a little guide on its properties, its uses and other key information to make peace with the nettle!

The Use And Benefits Of Nettle

Often found along roadsides and in the countryside, the nettle is not a plant that we want to approach. However, aside from its stinging side, the benefits of nettle are widely recognized, particularly in herbal medicine. To compensate for a lack of iron, soothe joint or menstrual pain, reduce urination problemsโ€ฆ This plant, stigmatized for its spicy nature, is however a true gift from nature to relieve many ailments. It is also a great ingredient for making a natural and effective manure for the gardens of the green-fingered readers!

What is the origin and what are the properties of nettle?

The origin of the use of nettle

Nettle is a wild edible plant that grows in temperate regions. Its consumption dates back to Antiquity. The Greeks and Romans already used it, notably to relieve coughs, treat tuberculosis, reduce pain linked to arthritis and accelerate hair growth.

Stinging nettle has since been used in many cultures around the world for its phytotherapeutic properties.

In Ayurvedic medicine (traditional Indian medicine), nettle is also used to stop uterine hemorrhages, nosebleeds, and skin problems such as eczema. On the other side of the planet, Native Americans used it to soothe people suffering from joint diseases.

The Uses of Nettle

Do you still remember the tingling sensations and the urge to scratch the last time you accidentally touched nettle leaves? Don’t worry, the stinging power of this plant disappears as soon as you cook or dry it. You can therefore consume it without any risk in soup, infusion, poultice, etc.

For a long time, only the leaves and seeds were used to treat various ailments. Since the 1980s, all parts of the nettle have been consumed and have different properties and virtues. The benefits of nettle roots are also proven, particularly for treating benign prostatic hypertrophy.

What are the benefits of nettle?

Prevent and treat inflammatory joint pathologies

Thanks to its silica, calcium and zinc content, nettle helps strengthen bones and joints by promoting the regeneration of bone and cartilage fiber. Consumed regularly, it prevents and relieves joint and rheumatic pain. For people suffering from tendonitis, osteoarthritis or a sprain, for example, local application or oral consumption of nettle is a natural and effective remedy.

Drain and detoxify the body

Nettle has diuretic properties that are ideal for eliminating toxins accumulated in the body. Nettle-based cures and herbal teas are often recommended for weight loss. Its draining effects detoxify and revive the kidney and intestinal systems while facilitating the digestion of fats and reducing the absorption of sugars.

Of course, the benefits of this plant on your figure are not miraculous. As always, to appreciate its slimming benefits, a balanced diet and regular sporting activity are essential.

Reduce symptoms of enlarged prostate (phase I and II)

Many articles highlight the benefit of nettle in reducing urination problems in cases of BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy). Researchers still have doubts about the benefits of consuming nettle alone, due to the placebo effect of the studies carried out. In synergy with dwarf palm, however, the results are more convincing.

Improve blood circulation and prevent anemia

Nettle is a depurative plant. This means that it detoxifies the blood by eliminating toxins and organic waste. It thus stimulates blood circulation. Rich in iron, it is specifically recommended for people who have iron deficiencies.

Treat skin conditions

Do you suffer from acne, psoriasis or eczema and don’t know what to do to fix it? We don’t always know it, but this plant, which we stay away from as much as possible when we see it to avoid its stinging effects on our skin, can also help you regain healthy skin.

The detoxifying virtuesThe benefits of nettle make it a great ally for taking care of your skin naturally. But this is not the only reason why we recommend the use of nettle to have beautiful skin and to relieve skin conditions.

Cope better with minor bouts of fatigue and boost immunity

The seasons, certain times of the year, moments of stress at workโ€ฆ We all experience small drops in our diet from time to time. Eating stinging nettle is excellent for relieving temporary bouts of fatigue and boosting your immunity.

Nettle is full of vitamins and minerals, making it a real 100% natural cocktail of vitality. It stimulates and strengthens your immune system. Taking a nettle cure (herbal teas, food supplements, powder, etc.) is recommended as soon as you feel a drop in energy or, at the change of season.

Cleanse the scalp, stimulate growth and prevent hair loss

Just as it purifies and regenerates the epidermis, nettle also has benefits on the hair. In particular, it cleanses and strengthens the scalp. There is no scientific proof of the virtues of stinging nettle on hair, but this plant was already used in Antiquity to stimulate growth and combat dandruff, and continues to be used today.

Treat small oral infections

Finally, nettle is also recommended in the treatment of small mouth sores such as canker sores or gingivitis. As a mouthwash, a nettle decoction can be very effective in treating these oral infections. This is mainly due to the presence of zinc and active ingredients with antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Contraindications and Interactions with other medications

Nettle consumption is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children under 12 years old.

Some studies warn against consuming nettle in addition to taking certain medications. This is particularly the case for diclofenac and medications that have hypoglycemic, hypotensive, or antiplatelet effects.

Before consuming or adding any โ€œsuper foodโ€ to your diet or taking food supplements, do not hesitate to ask you doctor or a professional for advice.

For more health content and tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed this overview of the use and benefits of nettle and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of this plant. Have you ever tried it? If yes, please share with us your experience.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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