
Tips For Getting Back To Healthy Eating After Summer

Are you having trouble breaking your holiday habits? Do you regularly find yourself sipping a small glass of pina colada or indulging in an ice cream? We have gathered some tips for getting back to healthy eating after summer to help you focus on a healthy lifestyle after the holidays.

Tips for getting back to healthy eating after summer

Summer is the time of year for holidays. It is the most beautiful season when relaxing and disconnecting from everyday life is at the top of the agenda. It is also the time when many of us neglect our healthy eating habits. During the holidays, we are constantly exposed to temptations: enjoying an ice cream while strolling through town, sipping a cocktail in the evening or finally tasting that typical local specialty that has intrigued us for a long time. During the holidays, we have a good time and we are right to do so. After the holidays, it is therefore all the more important to get back on track and ensure a healthy and balanced diet.

Prepare your own meals

As soon as possible, prepare your own meals. Use fresh herbs and spices and avoid additives. Homemade meals with fresh ingredients contain all the essential nutrients. The aromas released from cooking stimulate the feeling of satiety, so we automatically eat smaller quantities and feel full more quickly. By cooking ourselves, we also enjoy more instead of wolfing down food in a hurry. Don’t have the opportunity to cook during the day? Then prepare your meal in the evening. Many dishes are easy to take with you and are delicious, even cold.

Try to stick to fixed meal times

At first, it may seem difficult to stick to a fixed meal time again. However, fixed meal times and breaks in between are crucial for the body to ensure optimal processing of nutrients and provide energy. You will quickly notice that your body gets used to these fixed times without feeling hungry between meals. A combination of varied carbohydrates, proteins, fats and plenty of vegetables keeps blood sugar levels constant and keeps you full for a long time. Cravings no longer have a chance to prevail.

Eat very consciously

Take your time to eat. Plan your meals throughout the day: if necessary, mark each meal in your calendar. Eating should not be an activity carried out in isolation from another. Eating in front of the television or during a telephone conversation should therefore be absolutely avoided. If we do not give our full attention to our meals, we tend to eat more than we need. We therefore recommend that you find a place where you will not be distracted, where you are quiet and where you can devote your attention to your meals. Try to consume your meals as consciously as possible. Taste, consistency, temperature… It is also important to chew well when eating, to feel full more quickly and to help digest nutrients.

Hunger or appetite?

When am I really hungry or when is it just the desire or boredom that makes me eat? Learn to distinguish between a real feeling of hunger and simple desires to eat. This is also why the previous tip is so important: you learn to develop a better approach to your body and the feeling of hunger.

Tip: Are you not sure if you are really hungry? Wait 20 minutes and try to occupy your mind with another activity. If it is just a question of desires, they will disappear after 20 minutes.

Don’t forget to drink (water)

In the summer, it is easier to think about drinking. The heat and sweating make us lose a lot of water, which automatically encourages us to drink more. However, with the drop in temperatures, the feeling of thirst also decreases. However, even if during the cold season we do not need to hydrate ourselves as much, it is important to ensure a sufficient quantity. Water keeps the mucous membranes moist and intact. As real natural protective barriers, they protect our body against viruses and bacteria. Because it is precisely during the change of season that the immune system is most vulnerable to pathogens.

Water should always be preferred to other drinks. Unsweetened teas are just as suitable as a liquid intake, in fact, they provide many secondary plant substances by warming you from the inside, especially when the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting worse.

Tip: Sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst. That’s why it’s always a good idea to drink a glass of water before every meal. Your stomach is already “pre-filled” and you’ll feel full faster.

No matter how much you’ve overindulged during your vacation, it’s important to never lose sight of your goals. Remember your successes and get back on the right foot. Maintaining a healthy “diet” is often easier than you think.

For more health content and tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed these tips for getting back to healthy eating after summer and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of these tips. Or share with us your own to get back on the saddle of healthy eating!

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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