
Tips For Pre-wedding Stress

In our society where everything moves very quickly, a little too quickly, anxiety often takes over and we sometimes lack time to enjoy. However, certain events really deserve to โ€œstop timeโ€! Marriage is of course one of them. Let’s not give way to stress, let’s not lose the meaning of this beautiful day during the preparations! Keep on reading for some tips for pre-wedding stress to be prepared mentally and physically for your big day!

Tips For Pre-wedding Stress

nยฐ1: get organised

Organization is the key to any project success. Marriage is an event that requires a lot to accomplish. Set up monitoring at each stage.

First of all, list as exhaustively as possible all the tasks to be carried out to achieve your objectives and to place them in the order of priorities.
To ensure their completion and follow-up: distribute each task in a table such as Excel, to-do lists, applications but above all choose the method that suits you best.

Take stock as a couple to see each other’s progress. This can also be an opportunity to create a friendly moment together.

Then it is recommended to delegate. Indeed, giving missions to people around you will allow you to keep the tasks that are important to you and above all not to feel overwhelmed. The delegation is an opportunity to create friendly moments with your loved ones and thus take full advantage of the preparation period.

Finally, the last point is anticipation. Anticipating will save you from last-minute stress. For the big day, plan a schedule for the day that you can entrust to someone or several people who will support you.
Also imagine plans B to anticipate unforeseen events.

If planing and organisation are not strong points for you, books exist on the subject or if your budget allows it, do call on a wedding planner to whom you will entrust a large part of the tasks.

nยฐ2: Take time, take breaks

In the midst of all this excitement, it is important to take breaks.
Even if your schedule risks filling up and getting heavier as the preparations progress, it is essential to set aside moments for you but also as a couple where you can disconnect. Take the opportunity to talk about other things, because even if this project is important, life goes on around it, your daily life is still there.

If questions about marriage are running through your head: take stock of the situation together. You will ask your questions on the subjects that worry you. Very often, solutions can be found quickly and will help you relieve some pressure.

The breaks you give yourself will help you better enjoy the moments when you are fully involved in the preparations. They are also there to get you out of the routine and will make you enjoy it more.

Nยฐ3: Take care of yourself

During this entire period, it is important that you take care of yourself overall. These tips for pre-wedding stress emphasize the fact that it is physically but also and above all mentally imperative for you to be well prepared.

Indeed, pressure and stress can cause mental turbulence which can have physical repercussions. It is therefore essential to preserve your brain.

You need to be in shape for the big day!

  1. Physically
    You can do any sport you like, go for a run, go for a walk in nature in the fresh air, it does a lot of good, and allows you to disconnect. This activity can be done alone, as a couple or with your loved ones.
  2. Mentally
    Relaxation, meditation and other disciplines (yoga, sophrology, tai chi, qi gong, etc.) help relax the mind. If you have never tried it, this is your chance to try it. It may also be the time for the two of you to start a common activity that you will continue to share after the big day. It will help you much more than for this project, it will be your ally in your daily life. Itโ€™s a great tool for learning to gradually tame your thoughts.

Nยฐ4: Let go

This last tip may seem obvious but unfortunately not everyone has this ability in them. To learn to let go.

But ultimately, is it serious? It is essential to try to put things in context and perspective. Stop giving importance to things that donโ€™t deserve it.

The first letting go that seems the easiest to work on is that of the things that we cannot control. Letโ€™s take an example: the weather. And yes, the day of the wedding may not be sunny, or even rain. Unfortunately, this is something that we will never be able to control. It is better to immediately try to find alternatives to compensate for a possible downpour or gust of wind, rather than stressing out. To be able to let go, it is also important to put the main objective of this day in mind. When you are in such a situation, you need to take some time out to ask all the questions that are running through your head; this helps put things into perspective.

For example, will the fact that it rains prevent me from getting married to the person I love? No, but I may have other concerns that take over. Try to list them all:
What will I do if my dress gets wet?
What are we going to do with the rain if the cocktail party is outside?โ€ฆ

Little by little, you will find solutions which will refocus you on your primary objective and which will show you that ultimately it does not matter, the most important thing is your union with your loved one.

You can’t control it all

Letting go can be more difficult on subjects that we could partially or totally control. Indeed, we often want it to be perfect, but perfect in relation to whom? To yourself, to others? Tell yourself that perfection does not exist, and even that it is not the same for everyone. We must therefore learn to detach ourselves from this notion.

Learning to let go doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a long journey. But it’s not too late to start. The wedding is a perfect opportunity to get started, you will see that this notion applies in many cases of daily life.

If you try to apply the previous tips, you will see that this notion of the present moment will come more naturally to you. Indeed, the more organized you are, the more you will have delegated, the more time you will have taken for yourself, the less stressed you will be, the more you will be able to concentrate on what is happening here and now. You will realize that life is not in the past, nor the future, but that it is now that you must live.

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I hope you enjoyed these tips for pre-wedding stress and will find or regain a little calm, serenity and an inner peace that will allow you to fully enjoy your D-day. Comment down below if you find them useful, or share with us your own tips and tricks.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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