Tips To Motivate Yourself To Exercise

There are 1001 good reasons for not doing sports. Deep down, you know as well as I do, it feels good to get started. So, how do you find motivation in sports? Day after day, you feel less and less fit, short of breath, struggle to climb your stairs… Maybe the sign that it would be good to get back to regular physical activity. Here are our tips to motivate yourself to exercise!
Tips to motivate yourself to exercise
How to motivate yourself to do sports indoors or outdoors? There are many tips to start or resume a sports activity on the right foot and to stay motivated throughout the year.
-Give meaning to sports practice
Nothing is more demotivating than an unfounded action. To find and maintain motivation, we start by asking ourselves the right questions. Why do sports? Lose weight, build muscle, relax, de-stress, feel fitter… there are many reasons to engage in physical activity, it’s up to each person to determine their own and keep it in mind no matter what!
–Set concrete goals
The most effective method in this area is to rationalize as much as possible. To do this, you can start by replacing the eternal “I want to lose weight” with “I want to lose 3 kilos in 3 months, deadline September 5th”.
In the same spirit, we abandon the “I want a more muscular body” with “I aim for a 3 cm increase in my biceps by December 15th”. Try it, it really works!
–Give yourself visibility
Visualizing your progress prevents you from losing motivation. The good idea: measure yourself every week, play the before/after selfie or try on your favorite test jeans to see the changes in your figure.
In terms of performance, you can also record your running times or the weights lifted each month in order to be able to be aware of the progress made in the first half of the year, for example.
–Use a diary
Like a dentist appointment, a sports session should be on your to-do list. The right frequency: two to three sessions per week if possible.
–Enjoy yourself
To stay motivated by sport, there is no need to throw yourself headlong into an activity that you hate. For example, those who are allergic to dance should avoid Zumba, while those who are resistant to cardio training should refrain from taking a Bodyattack class.
The right practice? Naturally, prioritize your desires to enjoy participating in the class and thus feel the urge to start again. Obviously, in short!
–Start gradually
Excess in all things is not recommended. Even less so when it comes to sports practice. And yet, the temptation is sometimes great to multiply the sessions without taking a recovery break at the beginning of the practice. Bad idea, on the contrary you should plan time off to allow the body to benefit from all the benefits of physical activity.
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I hope you enjoyed these tips to motivate yourself to exercise and found them useful. Comment down below what you think of getting back to the gym after summer. How do you find the motivation? Share with us your own tips to ease back into working out and staying consistent!
Looking foward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!