
Tips To Prepare Your Skin Before Attending A Wedding

No one wants to end up with a pale complexion on D -Day, dark circles under the eyes or a small button that appears in the middle of the forehead. Totally understandable, it is the obsession of many girls a few days before attending a wedding or an important event. Simply because you want to be as beautiful as possible for this celebration. Only here, the stress of D -Day, the sunburn, and the acne that is tapping the inlaid at your party you don’t want it to happen to you! So here are a few tips to prepare your skin before attending a wedding!

tips to prepare your skin before attending a wedding

Treat that good old sunburn ASAP!

When you catch a sunburn in normal times, you say “it’s going to pass”. And indeed, in a few days the redness fades to make room for a nice tanned complexion. But beware that is when you are lucky and you don’t go through the “apparent nose” peeling box.

If you are attending an important wedding or event in the summer: protect yourself with 50+SPF! It is always better to prevent than cure. If you have not managed to escape those burning sunrays, forget all the cooling, sun-maid creams etc โ€ฆ which will grease the skin and give you excess sebum.

Instead, favor the magical Aloe Vera! The real grandmother’s remedy but terribly effective. Take care to choose a tube with at least 95% pure aloe vera. Or better yet break a branch to spread it on your body and face.

Completely natural, this plant is known for its miracles linked to skin problems. It regenerates and softens the skin instantly and brings a feeling of freshness that will relieve you. It also quickly accelerates healing and limiting secondary risks (peeling skin, marks on the skin, etc.)

Avoid acne pimples or even worse popping them!

With stress, you will certainly feel the knot in the stomach and your body will also manifest it in a more visible way! Yep, long live pimples when you know that you are going to be needing your beauty. Unfortunately there is not much to do to avoid preventing their appearance, apart from the anti-stress herbal teas but not sure that it is really effective.

Anyway, you are invited to get everything done at least 1 week before the event. Between the latest preparations, hairstyle or makeup take the time to do an effective skin care. Preferably in an esthetician, who will take care of the hunt for blackheads and who will pamper your skin to have glowing skin D -Day.

Especially do the minimum at most 1 week before the wedding and not after. The skin is undergoing some attacks at the time to remove all these small parasites and you risk having redness and small fellows for 3/4 days. If you have last minutes cameos, take a few pimple patches and place them on the buttons in question. The patches will accelerate the drying up of the button and prevent it from growing. On the other hand, leave the black heads alone with the makeup no one will notice anything.

Wake a tired or dull complexion

The complexion is clearly the most important canvas for a flawless makeup in general! It is not the mascara or lipstick that will give you good looks! So here are some tips to make your complexion even more beautiful.

The first will be to cleanse your skin in depth every day so as not to pollute your epidermis. Take care to drink a lot of water, dehydration can make the skin less elastic. Then let yourself try those one minute mask you keep in your fridge ( yes we all do that!) a day before the event’s eve night at most. Not afterwards, there is a risk that your skin will react badly so let it breathe the day before and day D. The mask will give you a glow, firm your skin and sublimate it gently for the awaited day! Avoid clay masks that tend to dry the skin and favor intense hydration masks.

Say goodbye to dark circles!

Dark circles tend to make us tired and look dull. If you have it the day after the evening of your wedding, it’s normal and it doesn’t matter but before no thank you.

For dark circles, there is no secret: sleeping, drinking water, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes. But obviously, there are little tips for preparing your skin before an event and avoiding those bags as much as possible under the beloved eyes.

A little advice: cold on your eyes. It doesn’t matter if you choose cold green tea sachets, spoons placed in the freezer it works pretty well. And it gives you a little boost!

There you have it, you know know all the tips on how to prep the skin before an event! For more skin care tips for everyday skin problems, click here.

I hope you enjoyed this little guide on how to prepare you skin before attending a wedding and found it useful. Comment down below which tip you liked best, or share with your own.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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