
Tips To Protect Your Skin During Summer

Tips To Protect Your Skin During Summer

Tips to protect your skin during summer.

What do we like in summer! The skirts, the shorts, the dresses, the sun, the beach, the sand in the eyesโ€ฆ Summer is synonymous with relaxation, fun and above all, vacations! We take the opportunity to tan while devouring the latest book by our favorite author. We dive into the swimming pool or we let ourselves be carried away by the swell of the waves. What about our skin then? You protect it in the summer, don’t you? Well, if not, here are some tips to protect your skin during summer.

The skin: an essential organ

The skin is considered an organ in its own right and plays several essential roles: barrier against external aggressions (UV rays, micro-organisms, shocks). Protection against drying out, regulation of body temperatureโ€ฆ It is made up of three superimposed layers, from the surface towards the depth of the body: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue. Representing about 16% of the weight in adults, the skin is also one of the 3 largest organs in the body, after the intestine and the lungs.

Each skin is different, depending on its pigmentation, and therefore more or less sensitive to the sun (phototype). An adapted nutritional intake and protection against external aggressions will help you preserve the balance of your skin throughout the summer.

Appropriate supplementation

Several active ingredients can be interesting to prepare your skin for sun exposure and thus give it a boost of radiance:

  • Vitamins C and E, as well as selenium for their anti-radical properties: they neutralize harmful free radicals, formed by the action of UV radiation. In addition, antioxidants contribute to the repair process of the skin.
  • Copper, involved in the skin pigmentation process, is a micronutrient that helps prepare the skin for tanning.
  • Zinc, present in the skin (6% of body zinc is found in the epidermis), contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress, thus limiting skin aging.
  • Borage oil promotes suppleness and elasticity of the skin thanks to the presence of gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid.

Appropriate hydration and protection

In addition to micronutrient intake, good hydration is essential. It is advisable to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day; this health gesture does not exempt from the regular application of a protective sunscreen. Indeed, ultraviolet rays, heat but also swimming alter the protective film of the skin.

During the phase of exposure to the sun, it is essential to protect and moisturize your skin. Whatever your skin type, sun protection will have to be adapted according to the intensity of UV rays, the duration of exposure and the activity carried out. Refer to the SPF indices on the tubes of sunscreen creams or oils.

In addition, following exposure to the sun, the skin requires special attention. Moisturizing and soothing, an after-sun cream is ideal for bringing comfort to the skin and thus limiting the cellular damage suffered.

The risks associated with sun exposure

Overexposure to the sun depletes our sun capital.

  • In the short term, the consequences are manifested by burns, it is the famous sunburn.
  • In the long term, after a few years of overexposure, other inconveniences may appear: spots, premature skin ageing, etc.

Preserve the beauty of your skin

The active ingredients contained in food supplements can be a valuable aid in preparing the skin for tanning, protecting it from free radicals and preserving its beauty. To do this, opt for a complete formula combining:

  • powerful anti-free radicals (selenium, copper, vitamins C, B2 and E),
  • natural carotenoids (lutein, lycopene, beta-carotene),
  • Borage oil rich in Omega 6 and mainly in gamma-linolenic acid,
  • a trace element involved in the skin pigmentation process (copper).

If micronutritional supplementation can be interesting, it does not filter UV rays. Taking food supplements will therefore necessarily be accompanied by protective sunscreen.

Behave responsibly!

As you will have understood, in the face of the sun, it is essential to adopt a responsible attitude. To tan in complete serenity, gradually expose yourself to the sun, and above all, respect these few precautions:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure (greater than 10 minutes) to the sun during the hours of maximum sunshine, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Use an anti-UVA and UVB protective sunscreen, adapted to your skin type. Whatever its protection index, the application must be renewed every 2 hours and after each bath.
  • The most effective protection remains clothing protection, especially for young children. Opt for covering but light clothing, hats with wide brims, glasses with anti-UV filter and enveloping frames.
  • Choose shady places for any outdoor activity, taking care against UV reverberation on the sand or on the water!
  • Hydrate regularly to avoid any risk of dehydration, especially in young children and the elderly.

For more body care tips, click here.

I hope you enjoyed these tips to protect your skin during summer. Comment down below if you follow any of the tips mentionned above, or share with us some of your own.

Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!

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