Understanding Stress And Combating It
Who has never been stressed at least once in their life? We can legitimately say that stress has become the disease of the 21st century. However, do you know how stress manifests itself? And what are the solutions to understanding stress and combating it?
Understand and correctly apprehend stress
Stress is the individual response given to an external fact. This can notably be a conflict, professional overwork or even simply a noise. Thus, to oppose a context of stress, the human body produces cortisol and norepinephrine. This is a physiological reaction causing an increase in respiratory and heart rate, optimal muscle tone as well as the release of fats and sugar in order to give more energy to the body. If stress turns out to be controlled by the person, it is beneficial since it then optimizes the individual’s competitiveness.
In addition, it is also the guarantor of his survival because it gives the possibility of being reactive in the face of any danger. When the body’s adaptive abilities are exceeded, stress has functional and metabolic effects.
Stress, a generator of various diseases
This is why, when it is prolonged over time, stress is an element that can contribute to various diseases and health-related disorders: skin problems (psoriasis, redness, etc.), allergies, respiratory problems (asthma), neuromuscular and neuropsychiatric complications (cramps, lack of motivation, anxiety, etc.).
The birth of these stress-related ailments means the body’s inability to manage itself. Indeed, stress causes the urinary leakage of precious magnesium as well as B vitamins, which results in a decrease in the adaptive capacities of the stressed individual’s body.
How to deal effectively with stress?
To effectively combat stress, the individual must stabilize his body by giving it the different elements necessary for it to self-manage its stress.
First, you need to accommodate and balance your diet by taking foods containing magnesium and vitamin B (shellfish, fish, vegetables, fruits or whole grains). A diet, with the support of a nutritionist, can be beneficial.
Second, use a food supplement during the meal to better control stress. The latter can contain:
- Magnesium. It is advisable to opt for a non-laxative magnesium salt (magnesium glycerophosphate) and with optimal bioavailability (magnesium citrate).
- B vitamins, to optimize the effectiveness of magnesium. In fact, taken with magnesium, vitamins B8, B6, B3, B2 and B1 allow the nervous system to function properly. To reduce fatigue, vitamins B6, B5, B3 and B2 are effective. Finally, to fight against stress and have an optimal intellect, vitamin B5 is the miracle cure.
And finally, in order to cope with stress, you have to adapt your lifestyle by using new, gentler medicines, such as aromatherapy, kinesiology, therapeutic hypnosis, herbal medicine or osteopathy. Sport is also recommended as well as relaxation methods such as yoga.
In conclusion, listen to your body, watch your bad habits, take care of your meals, exercise, slow down the use of screens and above all, and don’t dare to seek the advice of a professional if you are not feeling well!
For more mindfulness tips, click here.
I hope you enjoyed these tips on understanding stress and combatting it and found them useful. And you, what are your tips for not letting stress overtake your life? Tell us everything in the comments, we’re waiting for your tips!
Looking forward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!