
Virtues Of Lemon Balm On Sleep

If it is fashionable to delve into the abyss of time to unearth some remedies dear to our ancestors. A few of them can boast of having been able to convince science. Lemon balm, or “bee leaf” as the Greeks called it, has nevertheless succeeded in this ambitious challenge. Let’s learn all about the virtues of Lemon Balm on sleep.

Many researchers acclaim this perennial. Readers, think that, from the top of its little violet flowers, twenty-three centuries of knowledge contemplate us…

At the beginnings of botanical knowledge

Lemon balm is of use in case of insect bites, menstrual disorders, abdominal pain and rheumatism. Ten centuries later, Arab medicine still sees its potential in it with Avicenna, a medieval philosopher and doctor who quotes it for the first time as beneficial for heart health, “suitable for raising strength, reviving courage, restoring cheerfulness, drive away worries and dissipate anxiety.

In Europe, Paracelsus, recognized as one of the greatest doctors of all time, but also one of the most controversial advocating a new way of treating (via chemical substances), also confirms the use of lemon balm for its cardiovascular properties.

Carmelite lemon balm water

Enjoying a strong reputation from the Middle Ages, which was reinforced during the Renaissance, lemon balm is a widely used plant that is used in the composition of many remedies. The most famous Carmelite lemon balm water was created in 1611 by the monks of the eponymous convent in Paris. This “water-remedy” quickly became Cardinal de Richelieu’s favorite “medicine” for his migraines.

A real success followed at the Court of the Sun King. Lemon balm water became the favorite “prescription” of doctors of the time, especially to limit nervous discomfort in women. Such success even led Louis XIV to grant the Carmelite Brotherhood the exclusive right to produce and use this learned potion, made up of fourteen medicinal plants including lemon balm, nine spices and 80° alcohol.

The virtues of lemon balm today

And our plant in all this? Lemon balm is still widely used as a medicinal plant. The European Medicines Agency considers its use “traditionally established” to “relieve mild nervous tension and help with falling asleep . It also relieves the symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal pain related to bloating or flatulence”. Its leaf is also used in herbal tea , in particular for its rosmarinic acid content and its antioxidant power, recognized against stress.

This plant helps maintain a positive mood and good cognitive functioning, Promotes maximum relaxation, Helps promote relaxation and mental and physical well-being, and even Helps maintain good sleep…

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I hope you enjoyed this overview of the virtues of leman balm on sleep and found it useful. Comment down below what you think, have you ever tried it, or share with us what you know about it.

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