Wedding Guest Fitness Program

That’s it, you’ve finally chosen your dress for the wedding you are invited to and have been waiting for for so long. And it fits you like a glove. Well, for now. Not only do you have a few months left before you attend it, but you won’t be content with being “just pretty” in it: you want to be perfect. Sublime, divine, breathtaking. Here are a few targeted exercises for you to sculpt the parts of your body revealed by your dress. Here we go for a mini wedding guest fitness program!
Wedding guest Fitness Program
So yes, happiness makes you beautiful, we know the song, but a hot body cannot be obtained by snapping your fingers. You’ll have to roll up your sleeves if you want results.
We have gathered for you, a few targeted exercises for you to sculpt the parts of your body revealed by the chosen dress for the event you have been waiting for for weeks!
–For A Bustier dress
To shape your arms without looking like a wrestler in lace, there’s nothing like the famous dips that work the triceps. The principle: with your back, lean on the palms of your hands on your sofa/bathtub/bench/chair, arms and legs straight. Go down slowly then come back up while pushing on your arms. All shoulders and elbows aligned.
–A plonging neckline
Valid whether it is heart-shaped, V-shaped or square. Your goal: to strengthen your sacred asset. You of course have the traditional and very effective pump option. We found another, cooler one for you: standing, place your palms together, taking care to lower your shoulders and raise your elbows. Apply small, regular pressures. You should feel it pinch on the sides.
–The Fitted dress
Have you set your sights on a fitted dress that hugs the curves of your body? Respect. But be careful: absolutely no unsightly bulges are allowed ( but if you are into it no judgement, rock your curves however you want, you are perfect just the way you are), especially if you play it without a net (i.e. without a cover).
So, butt mission of steel. The key ? the aptly named squats. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward, make the same movement as if you wanted to sit, trying to push your buttocks backwards as far as possible. Then come back up to return to the starting position. And start again!
–The back cutout dress
Nothing is more elegant than a neckline that subtly reveals the back. As long as it is toned and sufficiently muscular. Flat on your stomach (on a mat), head in line with your back, legs straight and arms spread out in a V. Raise your hands, feet and chin upwards as if you want to fly. Then release by blowing. Repeat the movement.
–The crop top dress
You went for a two-piece dress including a pretty top that reveals a little bit of your belly. The goal: to refine your waistline and seriously work on your abs. Yes, you’re already grimacing but you have no choice: abs, you won’t cut it.
And the best known are the most effective. The plank in particular: resting on your forearms and toes, your body must be straight and parallel to the ground. Hold it as long as possible (visualizing your dream figure helps).
–The short dress
Lovely tapered legs enhanced by heels, it’s the winning combo of a slender silhouette. To work on all this, lie down on your right side, leaning on your elbow on the same side. Your legs are straight, in line with your body. Raise the left to shoulder height then lower it, performing a “scissors” movement. Repeat then decline to the other side.
Do 5 minutes of the exercise that concerns you (cut into sets to start) every day, except on weekends – warrior rest. And put on your dress regularly to admire the fruits of your efforts…
For more fitness content, click here.
I hope you enjoyed these wedding guest fitness program and found it useful. Comment down below what you think of these exercises, what would you add or change, or share with us your own program. Just remember, rock your curves however you want, no matter what size you are, you are perfect and beautiful just the way you are!
Looking foward to reading your comments, sending you love and positive energy!!!